Real Face of Terror Exposed

By Sajjad Shaukat Terrorism which is inhuman has enveloped almost entire world in general and South Asia in particular. Pakistan is a country subjected to terrorism itself. Present military and civilian leadership is determined to unearth and root out the menace from its soil, because the survival of the country itself is at stake and the entire nation shares this resolve. However, various developments have ...

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Another International Conspiracy in Progress

By  Asif Haroon Raja Pakistan was subjected to an international conspiracy in 1971. India supported by former Soviet Union hatched the gory plan of cutting Pakistan into two and creating Bangladesh. India had been working upon East Bengal since 1948 with the aim of subverting the Bengalis and poisoning their minds against people of West Pakistan through an orchestrated subversion plan. Mujibur Rahman was ta ...

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India Determined to Break Pakistan into Pieces; The RAW Agent Reveals the Truth

Ishaal Zehra I was basically the man for Mr Anil Kumar Gupta who is the joint secretary RAW and his contacts in Pakistan especially in the Baloch Student Organization, said Kulbhushan Yadav in his voluntarily confession. Yadav is the Indian spy held by the Pakistani authorities on 3rd March 2016 while infiltrating into Pakistan via Saravan border area of Balochistan with Iran. “My purpose was to hold meetin ...

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Not a Pill like Bangladesh

BY Ali Sukhanver The present sorry plight of Kul Bushan Yadev, the terrorist of the RAW, is simply a blob of shame on the very face of Indian society. His arrest is no doubt a wonderful achievement of the intelligence agencies of Pakistan but it must be kept in mind that history is replete with such marvelous achievements of the intelligence and security agencies of Pakistan particularly with reference to t ...

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Pakistan-Iran Sensibilities

By Brig (R) Asif Haroon Iran is a brotherly Muslim country with which Pakistan has enjoyed geographical, cultural, religious and historical ties. Both had best of ties during the rule of Reza Shah Pehlavi. Iran supported us during the 1965 and 1971 wars with India and provided helicopters in 1974 to defeat Baloch insurgency. Pakistan also has extended all sorts of help. The biggest was when it let Iran to r ...

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بھوشن یادیو۔۔۔ بھارت باقی دنیا کے دہشت گردوں کی بھی مدد نہ کر رہا ہو

نغمہ حبیب پاکستان سے بھارت کا جاسوس پکڑے جا ناکوئی انہونی بات نہیں لیکن اس بار جو ہوا وہ ضرور انہونی ہے کہ ایک حاضر سروس نیول سینئر افسر کل بھوشن یادیو بلوچستان سے گرفتار ہوا۔بھوشن یادیو انڈین نیوی میں کمانڈر ہے اور اس وقت بھارت کی خفیہ ایجنسی ’’را‘‘ میں فرائض سر انجام دے رہا ہے۔ اس بار کی گرفتاری اتنی واضح اور پختہ ثبوتوں کے ساتھ ہے کہ بھارت اس سے کلی انکار نہیں کر سکااگرچہ اُس نے پہلے ایسا ہی کیا لیکن بعد ...

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Pakistan & Nuclear Security Summit 2016

By Sajjad Shaukat From 31 March to 1 April, 2016, heads of more than 50 countries and the leaders of four international organizations will negotiate and finalize new commitments to improve nuclear security protocols around the world at the fourth Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) in Washington, D.C. Two years ago, in Berlin, the US President Barrack Obama had formally announced his plan to host a fourth and fin ...

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Pakistan Uncovers Reality of Pathankot Incident

By Sajjad Shaukat Ajit Doval, the ex-spymaster who is now National Security Advisor of Indian Prime Minister Minister Narendra Modi is the real author and controller of India’s offensive-defensive doctrine. Besides planning various terror attacks in Pakistan as part of Indian offensive-defensive doctrine, Ajit Doval also advised to arrange various subversive acts inside India and to shift the blame game to ...

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