World in a State of Flux

By Asif Haroon Raja The world is in turmoil and events are moving towards confrontation between bigger powers. Owing to its evil acts, the Evil Empire wanting to convert the world into a global village has made the world insecure and is now seen as the biggest human threat the world has ever known. The so-called invincible US military and NATO have been roundly defeated by the ill-clad and ill-equipped Afgh ...

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Saudi-Yemen Crisis: Pakistani Delegation Retuned Home

RIYADH (ZM):  Saudi Arabian government requested Pakistan for military assistance inan on-going conflict with Yemen.  Pakistani high level assured Saudi rulers that Islamabad will provide all possible assistance in this crisis. The delegation has returned home and is expected to brief Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif while a decision to send troops will be made by the country’s leadership as well. Defence Minist ...

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Governor Arkansas refused to sing Controversial religious Bill

WASHINGTON(ZM) Finally Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R) declared on Wednesday that he would not favour and sign a controversial religious freedom act into law. He asked the state legislature to amend the bill in the wake of criticism with purpose of facilitation discrimination against LGBT citizens and other groups. Hutchinson expressed in the press conference that he was seeking in federal Religious Freedo ...

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Pakistan has a Future

By Asif Haroon Raja Pakistan Thinkers Forum held a seminar at Islamabad Club on March 29, 2015 under the chairmanship of Air Chief Marshal Kaleem Saadat. Lt Gen Naeem Khan Lodhi and Dr. Sultan Bashir Mehmood spoke on the topic “National Solidarity” while I and Prof Dr Anis Ahmed spoke on “Pakistan has a Future”. I will share my presentation in the succeeding paragraphs.   Miracle of 20th Century Pakistan em ...

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Refocus on Manawan Police Academy Attack

 By Sajjad Shaukat                                   Pakistan has become special arena of the different war, being waged by the security forces against the ruthless terrorists who have continued their terror-activities such as suicide attacks, bomb blasts, targeted killings, beheadings of the innocent people, assaults on security personnel and prominent religious figures. Besides blowing children schools an ...

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پاکستانی ایٹمی ڈیٹرنس ۔ناقابل تسخیراثاثے

سیّد ناصررضا کاظمی [caption id="attachment_2680" align="alignnone" width="300"] Indio-Pak Nuclear Programme[/caption] پتھروں کے زمانے میں مذاہب کے نام پر پتھر کے بنائے گئے بتوں کی بجائے انسانوں کی پوجا کی جاتی رہی کئی صدیاں بیت گئیں جو جتنا زیادہ بہارد ‘ بلکہ جو جتنا زیادہ بڑا درندہ صفت نما انسان تھا وہ اپنے سے کمزوراور مجبور و محکوم لوگوں کو اپنے سامنے اپنے سینے تان کر سجدہ کرواتا اور اُن پر بے تحاشا ظلم و ...

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پاکستانی ایٹمی پروگرام اسرائیل کے نشانے پر

 نغمہ حبیب 1947 میں نظریے کی بنیاد پر پاکستان بنا اور اگلے سال یعنی مئی 1948 میں مغرب کے مکمل تعاون بلکہ منصوبہ بندی کے نتیجے میں اسرائیل کے قیام کا اعلان کیا گیااور ایک سال بعد اسے تسلیم بھی کر لیا گیا۔ اس کا قیام بھی نظریے کی بنیاد پر عمل میں لایا گیا قیام تو دونوں ریاستوں کا اپنے اپنے نظریے کی بنیاد پر کیا گیا لیکن اِن کے نظریات میں اس قدر تفاوت تھا کہ نہ تو کبھی اِن کے تعلقات قائم ہو سکے اور نہ ہی ایک د ...

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Saudi Air Craft attacked Yemen Capital

By Zaheerul Hassan (ZM) — According to Saudi ambassador Adel al-Jubeir to the United States disclosed that his country has started airstrikes against the Houthi rebels in Yemen, who drove out the U.S.-backed Yemeni president. He said the operations began at 7 p.m. Eastern time. He further states, widely believed to be backed by Iran, "have always chosen the path of violence." He refused to admit the U.S.  I ...

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