The Media Terrorism

By Ali  Sukhanver What happens when we start glorifying the things which don’t deserve even the slightest attention of us? What happens when we start giving importance to the events and incidents which must not be even note worthy? Nothing certainly nothing but this attitude of us simply distorts the face of facts and realities. It disturbs the whole of chronological protocol of the happenings. I still reme ...

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Pak-Saudi Govts Should Call OIC Meeting

By Zaheerul Hassan UNO and world over protests failed to convince Israeli to stop brutality in Gaza. Tonnage of bombs pounded in Gaza by Tel Aviv’s warplanes in more than 155 airstrikes on the blockaded strip till 27th day of aggression. So far, in airstrikes and ground actions Palestinian sources claimed 1,724 killed while 9, 080 others have been injured. 421 children and 205 women and 21 medical staff are ...

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From ISI to ISIL to IS

By  Asif Haroon Raja Despite world protests, the US led forces invaded Iraq in March 2003 on concocted charges that Iraq’s ruling regime was in possession of WMDs and was connected with al-Qaeda. The prime motivation to annex Iraq was oil, but the other compelling reason was Israeli security concern. Tel Aviv viewed Baathist Iraqi armed forces under Saddam Hussain as the biggest strategic challenge to its s ...

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An Unresolved Case, Initiated on July 19, 1947 – III

By: Sohail Parwaz If one critically looks into the Kashmir quandary, it would be quite evident that the problem aggravated merely due to Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s hypocrisy and politics. He was the one who, on one hand, gained time to ensure a strong hold on Kashmir while on the other hand kept assuring the world about extending the right of self-determination to the Kashmiris and kept beating the ethics an ...

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Double Jeopardy or a Bear Trap

By Brig® Mehboob Qadir Our national leadership is showing familiar signs of cracking up under mounting pressure. This conduct failure appears to be the persistent bane of their make up whenever it comes to delivering on governance  since the beginning of their ill fated political venture in early 80s.As a rule they show a lot of valor but typically fail to clear the bar every time it is set, just like the w ...

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Pakistan: A neglected Soft Power

By Asim Hamza and Ahmad Khan Soft power is a newly established mean in international power politics, exercised as an instrument to attract others and thus, influencing the behaviors of others to achieve the desired outcome. Having its roots in thousands of years of human experience, soft power is being used in the contemporary international politics to restructure the manner and approach in terms of resolvi ...

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USA: Serving the People of Pakistan

 By Ali Sukhanver  One of my favourite questions I ask my people is, “Are you against the Aman Ki Asha?” Every time, I get the same answer wrapped up in astonishing bewilderment, “Who says we are against the Aman Ki Asha? But favouring Aman Ki Asha does not mean selling our ego, self-respect and our basic human rights to India. The desire of peace is appreciable but not at the cost of ones existence and at ...

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How Kashmir Issue can be resolved?

By Zaheerul Hassan India always refused to accept third party intervention for the resolution of Kashmir issue since she doesn’t believe in reasons Recently, soon after the publication of the news quoting Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif as saying that he had, in 1999, sought US role in resolving the lingering issue, the Indian leadership immediately responded that New Delhi Pakistani Prime Minister statement is ...

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