Iran-US rancor melting into amity

[caption id="attachment_2915" align="alignright" width="389"] US threaten Attack on Iran[/caption] By Asif Haroon Raja In the aftermath of 2nd World War and start of super power rivalry in the form of cold war, the US saw Iran as a counterweight against Soviet expansionism and a source of stability in oil-rich Persian Gulf. CIA and MI-6 jointly engineered a coup in 1953 to oust elected PM Mohammad Mossadegh ...

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Transformation in Iran-US relationship

By Asif Haroon Raja Iran-US antagonism started peaking in the aftermath of Islamic revolution in Iran, followed by seizure of American Embassy in Tehran by student militants in November 1979 and holding 52 Americans hostage for next 444 days. An American rescue operation ended in a disaster, which further bolstered Khomeini’s image in Iran and Islamic world. Hostages were released as a result of secret agre ...

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TTP: Bajaur, South Waziristan battles

Asif Haroon Raja Once Bajaur came into the loop of terrorism in 2006, it became the exclusive domain of Maulvi Faqir Muhammad because of easy inflow of arms, equipment and funds from Kunar. This route of supply was also used for Swat via Dir. Srarogha within Mehsuds inhabited South Waziristan (SW) became the command centre of TTP under Baitullah Mehsud, where Qari Hussain trained small boys aged between 11 ...

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Indian Scheme of ‘Great Wall’ along LoC in Kashmir

 By Sajjad Shaukat With the technological advancement, new era of economic development has changed the world in a global village. Long-awaited agreement which was concluded between Iran and six world powers on November 24, this year has endorsed this fact that Tehran is more interested in the welfare of its people than to continue war of nerves with the US-led European countries on the issue of its nuclear ...

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Mullah – Military alliance in doldrums

By Asif Haroon Raja Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) was founded by socio-political philosopher Abul Ala Maudoodi on August 26, 1941. He opposed capitalism, socialism and secularism but advocated democracy as an integral part of Islamic political ideals. He had close ties with Muslim Brotherhood leader Qutb. Although Maudoodi rendered great service for the cause of Islam, he was among the staunch opponents of idea of P ...

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Pakistan: How to End Sectarian Violence

By Zaheerul Hassan 12 died, 80 injured and millions of rupees damage caused to the properties of the people in the sectarian violence of 16 November in Rawalpindi. Authorities have imposed a curfew for two days in Rawalpindi after sectarian clashes erupted at a Muharram 10 procession near Fawara Chowk. Beyond any doubt, one can deduce that the sadism resulted due to the negligence of local administration an ...

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New Mischief about Pak ‘Nukes’

 By Sajjad Shaukat US-led some western countries includaing India and Israel have accelerated their deliberate campaign against the security of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons. It can be judged by the new mischief of the BBC about Pak nukes. In this regard, in its programme Newsnight, BBC reported on November 7, this year, “Saudi Arabia has invested in Pakistani nuclear weapons projects, and believes it could ob ...

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Hindus aspire for Hindu Raj in India

Asif Haroon Raja While India brags about democracy, secularism and human rights, in reality Hindu Brahmans aspire for Hindu Raj. They consider themselves to be pure and superior and all other communities impure and inferior. Four-fold caste system was conceived by the Brahmans to maintain their unchallenged supremacy. Brahmans insist that castes are divinely sanctioned and cannot be changed or abrogated. Th ...

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