No respite in US bellicosity against Pakistan

By Asif Haroon Raja George Bush threatened Gen Musharraf that Pakistan will be pushed into Stone Age if he didn't accept the US seven demands. Pakistan’s support helped the US in overthrowing Taliban regime and occupying Afghanistan. Instead of bringing about the promised changes in Afghanistan, the US focused its attention toward Pakistan and ignited flames of terrorism in FATA and Baluchistan and subseque ...

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Baluchistan is not East-Pakistan nor Sikkim

By Ishaal Zehra Switzerland has rejected the request of the exiled leader of the banned Baloch Republican Party (BRP) Brahumdagh Bugti to seek political asylum after more than seven years. A week earlier, she also imposed a lifetime entry ban on the prominent exiled Baloch leader and Bugti’s brother-in-law, Mehran Marri. A source in the Swiss government confirmed that Brahumdagh Bugti’s asylum application w ...

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Zardari’s call for PPP’s return to power

By Asif Haroon Raja For over six months, Asif Ali Zardari has been confidently claiming that the PPP will form governments in the Centre and all the four provinces after next elections in 2018. He has assertively reiterated this stance several times particularly after he was cleared of all corruption charges by the courts. Almost everyone is wondering as what make him so confident when seen in the backdrop ...

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Davos: Another Shot to Upkeep the Fading Popularity of Modi Gone Wasted

by Ishaal Zehra Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi made his Davos debut at this year's World Economic Forum's (WEF) opening session. Speaking in Hindi, he touted the ease of doing business in India to world leaders and global CEOs, also calling for countries to unite to tackle what he called the three big challenges that the world faces - "climate change, terrorism and a rising threat to globalization with ...

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They (Kashmiris) should be left free to decide for themselves. Mahatma Gandhi

Posted By Zaheerul Hassan ( Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai, Secretary General, World Kashmir Awareness Forum, extended his warm felicitation to the people of India on their Republic Day celebration. He, however, voiced deep regret over betrayal of Indian Government -- not the people of India -- of her high-minded ideals in Kashmir that marked its entry into the family of nations after long years unde ...

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Indian Nuclear Programme Endangered Regional Security

By Sajjad Shaukat It is most lamentable that by ignoring the modern global trends like renunciation of war, disarmament, peaceful settlement of disputes and economic development, India’s endless nuclear programme has endangered the regional security. In this regard, India test-fired its longest range surface-to-surface nuclear ballistic missile Agni-5 from the Abdul Kalam Island off the coast of Odisha on D ...

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Separatist Movements in India

Book Review By Brig Asif Haroon Raja (Retired) I was invited by Muslim Institute Islamabad as one of the speakers to attend book launching ceremony of a book titled “Separatist Movements in India” (in Urdu) authored by eminent Tariq Ismail Sagar. Let me at the outset compliment Mr. Sagar for his commendable effort in writing this well-researched book “Separatist Movements in India”. What is heartening to no ...

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کیسی جمہوریت، کیسی جمہوریہ اور کیسا یوم جمہوریہ

نغمہ حبیب 26 جنوری 2018 کو بھارت نے ایک بار پھر اپنا یوم جمہوریہ منایا۔ بھارت میں حکومت جمہوری ہے اور یہ جمہوری حکومت ظاہر ہے وہاں کی اکثریت یعنی ہندؤں کے ہاتھوں منتخب ہوتی ہے یعنی اکثریت کی حکومت اکثریت کے لیے اکثریت کے ذریعے اس میں اقلیت کے کچھ نمائندوں کے نام تو ضرور آجاتے ہیں کام یا حصہ ان کا حکومت میں کہیں نہیں یوں جمہوریت کا تسلسل قائم ہے اکثریت حاکم ہے اقلیت محکوم اور محکوم بھی ایسی کہ جسے آئے روز حا ...

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