The Second American Civil War: Why It Has To Happen

The Federal government is gunning for YOU! It is true, how else can the DHS’s purchase of TWO BILLION HOLLOW POINT BULLETS be explained? The Government is purchasing HOLLOW POINT bullets in bulk to be fiscally responsible…for the FIRST time ever? No. Hollow Point bullets are not target rounds, they are not Training rounds, and they are not Legal in combat. The only time Hollow Point bullets are legal to use ...

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Extrajudicial Killings through Drones

  By Sajjad Shaukat  Under the pretext of American so-called counterinsurgency programme, the US President Barack Obama has broken all the record of human rights by extrajudicial killings of the innocent people through CIA-operated drone attacks in Afghanistan, Somalia and Yemen in general and Pakistan in particular, while, the United States claims to be protector of human rights not only inside the country ...

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Syria: 62 Killed in 2 Aleppo Missile Attacks

By Rida Zaheer At least 30 people were killed and 150 wounded in the latest attack on February 22 which came days after another attack killed another 30, including 15 children. According to Syrian leadership activists are being supported against Bash-al-Assad by U.S. and Israel. In this connection, Nuland also pointed to the brutality of the attacks to reiterate calls by President Barack Obama for President ...

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Iran speeding up nuclear programme ?

Posted By Zaheerul Hassan According to the media reports , Iran has begun installing advanced centrifuges at its main uranium enrichment plant, the UN nuclear watchdog says, a defiant step which will worry Western powers ahead of a resumption of talks with Tehran next week. In a confidential report, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said 180 so-called IR-2m centrifuges and empty centrifuge casin ...

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Peace efforts doubled

 Asif Haroon Raja When the US and its allies failed to impose a military solution, and its sinister plan to pitch Taliban against Al-Qaeda, or to divide Taliban by categorizing them as good and bad Taliban and making them fight against each other also failed, and morale of ISAF troops started sinking because of prolonged stay in battle zone, home sickness, rising battle casualties, suicide cases and psychia ...

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Upcoming Iranian Nuclear Talks

Humanity May Not Survive Obama's Second Term  By Stephen Lendman Multiple previous P5+1 talks were held. America manipulated them to fail. So did Israel covertly. Western nations were pressured to go along.  On February 26, new talks will be held in Almaty, Kazahhstan. Expect no more this time than earlier.  It bears repeating. Tehran's nuclear program isn't at issue. It's red herring cover for imperial aim ...

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Bangladesh: Justice or revenge?

Brig( retd) Farooq Hameed Khan   The International Crimes Tribunal (ICT) setup in Bangladesh in 2010 by Prime Minister Hasina Wajid’s Awami League government, sentenced Abdul Quader Mollah,  a senior Jamaat-e Islami (JI) leader to life imprisonment on February 05 for  alleged  ‘atrocities’, in a trial that reopened the wounds of 1971 East Pakistan tragedy. In January the tribunal awarded death penalty in ab ...

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Conflicting perceptions of stakeholders in Afghanistan

Asif Haroon Raja Few thousands fighters under Taliban leader Mullah Omar and Hizb-e-Islami leader Gulbadin Hikmatyar have been fighting the occupation forces and ANSF for twelve years. The resistance forces consider ANSF and ruling regime led by Karzai as collaborators while the latter view the Taliban as extremists and anti-democratic. The US punished them for collaborating with Al-Qaeda. Failing to defeat ...

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