Its’s Smog and it’s More than What We Know 

By Ishaal Zehra Since the first war of independence against British raj ended in 1857, Lahore and New Delhi were never seen on the same page again except now, in a fight against a common opponent, SMOG! SMOG has been alleged for deaths of more than half a million Pakistanis and Indians each year. Lately, when a Pakistani meteorologist checked the air-quality of Lahore, it turned out that the level of the da ...

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An Assessment of Kashmir Tangle

By Asif Haroon Raja Way Forward to Untie the Knot Seven decades have gone past and Kashmir dispute remains unresolved. No light is seen at the end of the tunnel and Kashmiris continue to suffer immensely under the boots of Indian security forces. Kashmir is internationally recognized as a disputed territory whose final status is yet to be determined by the people. The issue has not been resolved due to Indi ...

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Domestic Extremism in the US, “War of All against All”

By Sajjad Shaukat The pro-Israeli US President Donald Trump whose extremist policies have accelerated the domestic extremism in the US, will take the country to the “state of nature” when there was a “war of all against all”. Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) which monitors hate group and other extremists throughout the United States and exposed their activities to law enforcement agencies, media and the p ...

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Dangers of Trump’s Anti-Islam, Anti-Muslim and anti-Pakistan Strategy

By Sajjad Shaukat Since Donald Trump became the President of the United States, it was expected that he will act with responsibility, showing pragmatism. But, President Trump has continued anti-Islam, anti-Muslim and anti-Pakistan strategy without bothering for its dangers for America, the Islamic countries and the entire world. In this regard, President Donald Trump stated in his tweet on January 1, this y ...

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Power show of opposition parties

By Asif Haroon Raja Despite best efforts of Imran Khan (IK) led PTI and PAT under Tahirul Qadri (TuQ) since June 2014, the duo has neither been able to eject the PML-N government, nor could it crack the fort of the ruling party. PML-Q led by Choudhry Brothers has been lending support to PTI and PAT all along, while the PPP remained detached from the six months long sit-in at Islamabad in 2014 but now is on ...

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Growing Trend of Negative Coverage of CPEC in Media

By Sajjad Shaukat In the cyber-age, online information and interaction of peoples by the developed and the less developed countries have further increased the importance of media. Media tools which include TV channels, newspapers and websites have the power to mould peoples’ views in positive or negative sense. In this respect, terror-attacks in Pakistan’s various regions, especially in the Balochistan prov ...

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Book: Propaganda against Pakistan’s ‘Nukes’ Continues

By Sajjad Shaukat Being the only nuclear country in the Islamic World, Pakistan is on the hit-list of the US, India and Israel, including some Western countries. Hence, despite the repeated assurances of Pakistan’s military and civil leadership that Pakistan’s nuclear weapons are well-protected and are under tight security arrangements, having well-coordinated command and control system, a deliberate propag ...

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Donald Trump’s threatening tweet

By Asif Haroon Raja Pakistan was made an ally by USA in September 2001 to fight its war on terror as a frontline State but was treacherously subjected to biggest ever covert war to destabilize, de-Islamize and denuclearize it. For the success of covert operations launched by RAW-NDS combine backed by CIA, MI-6, Mossad and BND from Afghan and Iran soils in FATA and Baluchistan from 2003 onwards, Pakistan was ...

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