Terrorists’ Penetration into Pakistan

By Sajjad Shaukat During the Security Council’s debate on June 20, this year, Pakistan’s permanent Ambassador to the UN Masood Khan categorically rejected the accusations of Afghan Ambassador Zahir Tanin over existence of terrorists’ sanctuaries in Pakistan, from where terrorists are being sent to Afghanistan. Khan pointed out, “terrorists’ many attacks against Pakistan are planned on Afghan soil.” He furth ...

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Syria: the Art of Standing on the Right Side of History

By Oriental Review "Oriental Review" -- The ongoing Syrian crisis will be certainly viewed by future generations as a classic example of how a completely false reality, as presented by the dominant Western political class and corporate media, has inscrutably resulted in the moral and political reinforcement of the opposing party, which was desperately defending the principles of law and justice under unprec ...

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Palestinian last struggle for Equal Rights

By Ghada Karmi Once upon a time, Palestine was the Arab world's unifying cause. Justice for the Palestinians was considered a basic pre-requisite for regional stability and peace, and it was an idea that had global resonance. Today, the picture is different and the Palestinian cause has been falling off the political agenda ever since the onset of the Arab Spring, the Syrian conflict, and Israel's success i ...

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India: Assaults on Tourist Ladies

   By Sajjad Shaukat In the recent years, reports came to the limelight about involvement of Indian Amry’s high and low-ranking officials in various scandals of sexual harassment and raping women. But such abuses have enveloped the tourist ladies, assaulted by Indian civilians. Every one realises that rape against women is a shameless act of immorality in which anti-social elements driven by their animal in ...

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U.S. Secretly Training Syrian Rebels Confirmed

By Zaheerul Hassan Number of times i have disclosed in my articles that U.S. is providing finincial support, shelter , training Syerina rebels.Now Mr David and Adulllah cofirmed that America is behind Syeran insurgency.   article of Mr. David  appended here as it is ! Since late last year, CIA and U.S. military operatives have been teaching Syrian rebels how to use anti-tank and anti-aircraft guns at bases ...

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Syrian regime is acceptable in masses

By Zaheerul Hassan U.S and her allies tried hard to remove Assad regime with the help of 10% rebels. They   not only terribly failed in to bring any change but also losing public support of the masses. Despite wholehearted efforts,  USSR , China and many other countries started condemning American supported in human actions against the public. Visible increase in support of Syrian President Bashar Assad has ...

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Indian plot to detach East Pakistan

 Asif Haroon Raja From the book by Basant Chaterjee (Inside Bangladesh Today) we now know that Pundit Nehru had been scheming since August 1947 to reclaim East Bengal and to make it an integral part of Indian Union. Current Bangladesh PM and daughter of late Mujib, Sheikh Hasina Wajid claimed, as reported on 8 March 2010, that Mujib planned separation from Pakistan in 1969 in London. Somehow she didn't make ...

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CIA Operation in Qatar

By Phil Greaves  A recent interview given by, yes, you guessed it: an ‘anonymous’ Qatari security official, has shed further light on CIA-led covert arms shipments to militants fighting in Syria. In this Reuters article, the security official and several ‘anonymous’ rebel Commanders confirm that Qatar has “tightened coordination of arms flows [plural] to Syria,” under alleged concern of weapons ending up in ...

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