Pakistan a partner or a target

By Asif Haroon Raja The US took Pakistan on board as a tactical partner after 9/11 to achieve its short term objectives but had listed it as one of its targets. It married up with Pakistan since it knew that without its intimate support and cooperation, the Afghan venture would become onerous and very expensive. It kept Pakistan on board to net Al-Qaeda operatives that had sneaked into FATA and Baluchistan ...

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India’s refusal to accept the disputed nature of Kashmir

By Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai “Kashmir is an integral part of India, constitutionally, legally and morally something that is non-negotiable.” Ram Jethmalani, Outlook Magazine, October 8, 2016. “Let me state unequivocally that Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India and will always remain so.’ Sushma Swaraj September 26, 2016. The fallacy advocated by the most celebrated Indian jurist and the Indian foreign ...

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Looming political upheaval

By Asif Haroon RajaPakistan is going through critical times and some are of the view that the obtaining geo-political environment surrounding Pakistan are worse than 1971. The US, UK, Israel, India and Afghanistan are working in unison since late 2001 to destabilize, denuclearize and balkanize Pakistan using covert and overt means. The gang has operationalized Cold Start doctrine, Af-Pak doctrine and 4th ge ...

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بھارتی جنگی جنون ۔۔۔اَجے شُکلا کے انکشافات

بھارتی جنگی جنون ۔۔۔اَجے شُکلا کے انکشافات نغمہ حبیب بھارت اس وقت جنگی جنون میں مبتلا ء ہے ایسا صرف اب نہیں ہمیشہ سے ہے لیکن بھارت کا دہشت گرد مودی اس وقت ذہنی مریض بن چکا ہے اور محسوس ہو رہا ہے کہ بہت ساری حرکات وہ دیوانگی میں کر رہا ہے کشمیر میں اس کی افواج جو انسانیت سوز مظالم کر رہی ہیں اُس کی کوئی توجیہہ اس کے پاس نہیں ۔کشمیر میں آزادی کی تحریک میں خود بھارت سرکار اور مودی نے جو روح پھونکی ہے اب اُسے ق ...

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Indian Journalist Exposed Indian Designs against Pakistan

By Sajjad Shaukat Indian journalist Ajai Shukla who is a retired Colonel of Indian Army and writes articles on defense policy has exposed Indian designs against Pakistan in the aftermath of the Uri base terror attack. In his article, under the caption Uri attack: Military Reviews ‘Escalation Ladder’ which was published in the Business Standard on September 21, 2016 also reproduced on the website http://ajai ...

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Why Indian Minorities Support Uprising in Kashmir?

By Sajjad Shaukat India has deliberately intensified war-like situation with Pakistan since September 18, this year when “four fidayeen, highly-trained militants who were carrying guns and grenades stormed a base in Uri, close to the Line of Control (LoC) with Pakistan and killed 18 Indian soldiers, as Indian military sources said. In this regard, India’s top civil and military officials and their media hav ...

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Kashmiris Freedom Fighters Reacted against Indian Army?

By Zaheerul Hassan 17 Indian soldiers killed and any injured when freedom fighters stormed the administrator camp of 10 Gorkha Punja Regiment of 12 Brigade Headquarters located in North Kashmir's Uri town , 102 kms from Srinagar, around 4 am on 18 September 2016. According to the observers four freedom fighters has also probably used explosive during their attack. The brigade Headquarters and Dogra regiment ...

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Pakistan has been repeatedly duped

By Asif Haroon Raja The US was the first country to dupe and trap Pakistan after 9/11 for the achievement of its go-strategic objectives in the region. Collin Powell pushed Gen Musharraf against the wall by asking him bluntly whether “you are with us or against us”. And when he unhesitatingly opted for the first option, he was asked to meet seven demands which were related to Pakistan cutting off relations ...

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