China Tests Japanese and U.S. Patience

By Rodger Baker Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has warned Beijing that Tokyo is losing patience with China's assertive maritime behavior in the East and South China seas, suggesting China consider the economic and military consequences of its actions. His warning followed similar statements from Washington that its patience with China is wearing thin, in this case over continued Chinese cyberespionage a ...

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Israel Instructs Obama: “Iranian And Syrian Sanctions Are Not Painful Enough!”

By Franklin Lamb Iran is expected to meet with other world powers in Astana, Kazakhstan to discuss its nuclear program. Discussions that the occupiers of Palestine fervently hope will not be successful. It is toward this end that their key demand this week to the US Congress, the White House and the European Union is “to cast responsibility on the Iranians by blaming them for the talks’ failure in the clear ...

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Extrajudicial Killings through Drones

  By Sajjad Shaukat  Under the pretext of American so-called counterinsurgency programme, the US President Barack Obama has broken all the record of human rights by extrajudicial killings of the innocent people through CIA-operated drone attacks in Afghanistan, Somalia and Yemen in general and Pakistan in particular, while, the United States claims to be protector of human rights not only inside the country ...

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Syria: 62 Killed in 2 Aleppo Missile Attacks

By Rida Zaheer At least 30 people were killed and 150 wounded in the latest attack on February 22 which came days after another attack killed another 30, including 15 children. According to Syrian leadership activists are being supported against Bash-al-Assad by U.S. and Israel. In this connection, Nuland also pointed to the brutality of the attacks to reiterate calls by President Barack Obama for President ...

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Pathetic democratic eras

 Asif Haroon Raja The sudden demise of Quaid-e-Azam on September 11, 1948 left the nation stricken with grief and added to the travails of Pakistan but provided an opportunity to India to put its plan to undo Pakistan into motion. Hardly had he closed his eyes when the hidden demented forces of hate and greed who had remained suppressed under the awe-inspiring personality of Quaid, surfaced and started to d ...

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What The Syrian Death Tolls Really Tell Us

Unreliable data can incite and escalate a conflict – the latest UN-sponsored figure of 60,000 should not be reported as fact By Sharmine Narwani February 16, 2013 "Information Clearing House" - Less than two months after the UN announced "shocking" new casualty figures in Syria, its high commissioner for human rights, Navi Pillay estimates that deaths are "probably now approaching 70,000". But two years int ...

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Whose Unmarked Graves in Kashmir?

By Sajjad Shaukat Both open and clandestine techniques of state terrorism are being employed by India to suppress the struggle of Kashmiris who are fighting for their genuine right of self-determination as recognised by the UN resolutions. In this regard, after fabricating a false case of his role in attacking the Indian parliament in 2001, Mohammed Afzal Guru was hanged on February 9, this year, while he h ...

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Obama Grants Himself License To Kill

By Andrew P. Napolitano After stonewalling for more than a year federal judges and ordinary citizens who sought the revelation of its secret legal research justifying the presidential use of drones to kill persons overseas – even Americans – claiming the research was so sensitive and so secret that it could not be revealed without serious consequences, the government sent a summary of its legal memos to an ...

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