NATO Role in Syria Psy Op War

By Tony Cartalucci NATO tells tales of recently launched “Scud missiles” to retroactively justify Patriot missile deployment months in the making. In a recent bid to psychologically break Syria’s government and military leadership, producing long sought-after defections, US-led NATO has decided to place Patriot missile systems along the Turkish-Syrian border. The announcement was made as far back as Novembe ...

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A Culture That Condones The Killing Of Children And Teaches Children To Kill

by Lucinda Marshall     The Sandy Hook massacre isn’t just about the need for gun control laws, it is about a culture that condones the killing of children and teaches children that killing is okay. It is about a country addicted to violence on television and movie screens. It is about cuts in education spending. It is about giving the military free access to our schools where they regale our children with ...

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Afghanistan – Green-on-Blue Attack in Afghanistan Raises Questions

By Lisa Lundquist A newly reported insider, or green-on-blue, attack on a small command post in Afghanistan in October 2011 raises questions about the US military's approach to the security risks posed by Afghan partnering with US troops, as well as the military's reporting on such attacks. The hitherto unreported green-on-blue attack took place on the night of Oct. 8, 2011 at a temporary US tactical comman ...

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HAARP Technology 2.0 Wrecking Our Environment?

 By Peter A. Kirby Are miniaturized versions of the world’s largest ionospheric heater (HAARP) all around us modifying the weather? Have electromagnetic frequency generators been installed over major fault lines waiting to trigger massive earthquakes? Has our military developed a super weapon that can vaporize entire cities with lightning from the ionosphere? There is evidence that technology exists and is ...

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U.S.- Sino Trouble

By Harold Brown Xi Jinping, China's newly anointed president, made his first visit to the United States in May 1980. He was a 27-year-old junior officer accompanying Geng Biao, then a vice premier and China's leading military official. Geng had been my host the previous January, when I was the first U.S. defense secretary to visit China, acting as an interlocutor for President Jimmy Carter's administration. ...

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Pakistan to restore NATO’s Afghan oil supply line

By Lisa Lundquist While the US has been distracted by the presidential election, the Syrian conflict, and jihadist outbursts in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, the Gaza strip and elsewhere, Pakistan has been moving at a glacial pace to restore NATO's critical oil supply line to Afghanistan. The logistical supply lines, but not the oil supply lines, were opened in July after an apology two months earlier by Secretary ...

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U.S. Has No Evidence that Pakistan Knew Bin Laden’s Location

By Claudette Roulo The commander of U.S. Special Operations Command said yesterday that a post-raid assessment concluded there is no evidence that the Pakistani government knew the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden. [caption id="attachment_3855" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Navy Adm. William H. McRaven, right, commander of U.S. Special Operations Command, talks with Charlie Rose, a CBS executive editor and ...

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Afghanistan and U.S Talks Withdrawl

The negotiations, expected to be heated, will attempt to balance the U.S. goal of denying terrorists a base of operations and Afghanistan's demands for sovereignty. By David Zucchino, Los Angeles Times KABUL, Afghanistan — In talks that are likely to be confrontational, the United States and Afghanistan are scheduled to begin negotiations Thursday on a new security arrangement after U.S. combat troops withd ...

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