Indian air intrusion night 25/26 February 2019

By  Asif Haroon Raja Background Information. The intelligence agencies of India USA, Israel and the puppet government in Kabul (RAW, CIA, NDS) duly supported by MI-6, Mossad and BND based in Kabul have been targeting Pakistan from Afghanistan as well as Iran from 2003 onward to destabilize, denuclearize, de-Islamize and Balkanize Pakistan. The collaborating agencies have been making use of paid proxies and ...

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Peace Dividends Must Reach People

By Sajjad Shaukat Addressing the 218th Corps Commanders’ Conference on February 4, this year, Chief of the Army Staff General Qamar Bajwa said, “The dividends of improved internal security situation must reach out to the people of Pakistan through socio-economic development.” The army chief elaborated, “Stability operations as part of Radd-ul-Fasaad shall continue, focus shall be on a national response agai ...

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Bollywood stars set to perform in KSA – Saudi Gazette

RIYADH — The General Entertainment Authority (GEA) signed on Wednesday two memoranda of understanding (MoU) with a number of Indian entertainment companies. According to the MoUs, several Bollywood celebrities will perform in the concerts being held in the Kingdom. This was part of GEA’s efforts to enrich the entertainment sector in the Kingdom and enhance its global identity. The deals were inked on the si ...

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Pakistan – India Confrontation over Pulwama Suicidal Attack

By Zaheerul Hassan Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan denied any role in Pulwama attack while addressing the nation through media on 19 February 2019. He stated that it would take action against the perpetrators of the terror attack if India shares actionable proof about any wrongdoing, but warned against any retaliatory action on his country. Aftermath, Indian political leadership headed by Prime Minister ...

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Memory of the Samjhota Express Tragedy

By Sajjad Shaukat On the midnight of 18-19 February 2007, India-Pakistan Samjhota Express train was bombed in which 68 Pakistani nationals were killed. A Hindu extremist leader Swami Aseemanand, a leader of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has confessed that he was involved in several bombings incidents. He also claimed to have been a part of the incident. In fact, ideology of Hindutva (Hindu nationalism) ...

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Afzal Guru’s Martyrdom Keeps the Kashmir’s Struggle Alive

By Sajjad Shaukat Every year, the martyrdom anniversary of Muhammad Afzal Guru is being celebrated on the 9th of February to pay homage to him, as India secretly hanged him and buried inside the Tihar jail complex on February 9, 2013. His martyrdom resulted into protests in Kashmir and widespread condemnations from various political and human rights organisations. Afzal Guru was convicted in 2001 Parliament ...

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Kashmir Solidarity Day Revisited

By Sajjad Shaukat Since 1990, the 5th of February is being celebrated by Pakistanis and Kashmiris as the Kashmir Solidarity Day to pay homage to Kahsmiri martyrs and to show solidarity with the freedom fighters who are demanding their legitimate right of self-determination, as recognized by the UN resolutions. This time, this very day has come at time when the people of Kashmir have accelerated their legiti ...

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Israel: The ‘Bleeding Wound’ of the US, Bringing about its Downfall

By Sajjad Shaukat The former Soviet Union which had subjugated ethnic and religious communities in various provinces and regions through its military and intelligence agency KGB disintegrated in 1991. Even, its nuclear weapons could not save its collapse. One of the major causes of the disintegration of the former Russian Empire was that its greater defence expenditures exceeded to the maximum, resulting in ...

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