Refocus on Quaid-e-Azam Day

By Sajjjad Shaukat Every year, on December 25, Pakistanis celebrate Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s birth anniversary with every possible way of showing reverence to their country’s founder. It is called the Quaid-e-Azam Day. Jinnah was born on December 25, 1876 and founded Pakistan in 1947. On this very day, seminars, debates and programmes are held to remember the services of the founder of the nation. ...

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From East Pakistan to Bangladesh

By Asif Haroon Raja The Pakistan that was achieved with so much of blood and tears, was split into two on the fateful day of December 16, 1971. Even after the passage of 47 years, the traumatic experience still haunts us and cannot be washed away from the memories of those who had witnessed the tragic break up. After the truncation of Pakistan, the new leadership desperately wanted a scapegoat to defuse the ...

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Refocus on the Tragedy of Peshawar School Attack

By Sajjad Shaukat On December 16, 2014, in one of the bloodiest-ever terror attacks in Pakistan, six Taliban militants mercilessly killed at least 141 people, including 132 children and nine staff members of the Army Public School and College in Peshawar, They also burnt a lady teacher alive. After eight hours operation, Pak Army’s commandos cleared the school area, and six militants were killed. On the sam ...

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UN Human Rights Day & Kashmir

By Sajjad Shaukat Each year, Human Rights Day is observed all over the world, especially by the oppressed nations on December 10, as on this very day in 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It reflected the conviction that human dignity is at the heart of our societies and that respect for human rights is essential to the prevention of conflict and the ...

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Futile and unwinnable war in Afghanistan

By Asif Haroon Raja Pakistan-US Relationship Pakistan was the darling of USA in the 1950s and to some extent in early 1960s since it was part of SEATO and CENTO that were poised to contain communism in South Asia and Middle East. After betraying Pakistan in the 1965 and 1971 wars with India by applying military sanctions, the US once again befriended Pakistan in the 1980s to make use of it to defeat Soviet ...

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Revisited Salala Attack

By Sajjad Shaukat On 26th of November 2011, the US-led NATO forces attacked two Pakistani check-posts on Pak-Afghan border and martyred 24 Pakistani military personnel indiscriminately. In this regard, two American Apache helicopters and two F-15 Eagle fighter jets targeted the two Pakistani posts, Boulder and Volcano, situated at Salala in the Baizai tehsil of Mohmand Agency. The airstrike was carried out ...

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Exhibition in Brussels Displays Indian Atrocities in Kashmir

By Sajjad Shaukat One the one side, Indian atrocities continues unabated in the Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) against the innocent Kashmiris who are demanding their genuine right of liberation, while, on the other side, Kashmiris are continuously protesting against the brutal tactics of the Indian forces. In this regard, an exhibition of photographs from Indian Held Kashmir (IHK) was inaugurated at European ...

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Pak-Afghan Trade Improves

By Sajjad Shaukat Economic prosperity is the paramount for stability of any country. Afghanistan being a land locked country is mostly reliant on Pakistan for transit and bilateral trade. As per recent survey both countries have potential of trade up to $5 billion annually. In earlier quarter of 2018, although, trade with Afghanistan decreased from $3 billion to $500 million; however recent figures and tren ...

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