Kashmir is not a Graveyard

Ali Sukhanver Shakurbasti is an area in the northwest of Delhi; a few days back this area became the focus of all attention because of a really unbelievable, really a shocking incident. A 27-year old man raped his eight-month-old cousin; a baby-girl. The incident is no doubt another blob of shame for the Shinning India where rape is never dealt as a crime. According to the details published in different new ...

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Enmity With Pakistan

Ali Sukhanver Most of the people in Pakistan love US and the American nation and desire a good working relationship between the two countries in spite of unfriendly attitude shown by different US leaders and in spite of so many sanctions imposed on Pakistan by the US authorities but at the same time, there are a few Americans who are harshly hated and disliked everywhere in Pakistan; Larry Pressler is also ...

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Modi Blames Congress

By Ali Sukhanver The Prime Minister of India, Mr. Modi has enmity only with the Muslims and Pakistan; it is simply a misconception. Recently it came to the surface that he hates not only the Muslims and Pakistan but also the Congress. If he had an authority and opportunity, he would have hanged all the members of the Congress and to put a ban on the Congress forever. Recently on 7th Feb 2018 while addressin ...

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Peace in Afghanistan will Leave No Justification for American Presence in Afghanistan!

Khalid Baig Has the Trump become so much powerful like a Dictator that there is no one to stop him on his undiplomatic tweets and tone? The clear answer is that the White Racist group of America identified as the NEOCONS have succeeded in procuring the control of the USA. Majority of these racists are linked with the business of manufacturing of weapons, products of petroleum and property; they are in major ...

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Afghanistan: Explore New Policy, Not New Routes

By Sajjad Shaukat In the recent past, trust deficit deepened between Pakistan and the United States when using tough words against her ally, American President Donald Trump revived the old blame game of his predecessors Bush and Obama regarding the cross-border terrorism in Afghanistan. President Trump allegedly said that Washington could “no longer be silent about Pakistan’s safe havens for terrorist organ ...

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پختون بھائیوں اور بہنوں سے ایک درخواست

نغمہ حبیب نقیب اللہ محسود کراچی کا ایک پٹھان دکاندار تھا، کراچی میں کروڑوں پختون بستے ہیں اور نقیب اللہ محسود بھی انہی میں سے ایک تھا میڈیا پر اُس کی رنگارنگ تصویریں دیکھ کر اس سٹائلش نوجوان کی موت کا افسوس سب کو ہی ہوا۔ ایس ایس پی ملیر راؤ انوار کا کردار بھی زیر بحث آیا اور شدید ترین عوامی تنقید کا نشانہ بنے اُن کو پکڑنے کے لیے اعلیٰ سطح پر کوششیں کی گئیں آخر کار یہ گرفتاری عمل میں آبھی گئی ۔راؤ انوار کی ش ...

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Rights of Minorities: Pakistan Elected Lower-Caste Hindu Woman to Senate

By Sajjad Shaukat In the beginning of March, this year, a Hindu woman from a lower caste-Dalit has been elected to the Senate for the first time in Pakistan. A woman Krishna Kumari a human rights activist and member of the Pakistan Peoples Party was elected as a senator on March 3, 2018 and a Taliban-linked cleric was defeated. Krishna Kumari told The Associated Press: “I feel delighted; this was unthinkabl ...

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Gathering dark clouds

  Asif Haroon Raja Muslims of East Bengal were the worst affected region during the British rule and had ardently yearned for Pakistan to free themselves from the cruel crutches of Hindu-British combine that had turned them into serfs. Birth of Pakistan was seen as a miracle of 20th century. Its survival under extreme odds was indeed a bigger miracle. Pundit Nehru had eyes on East Pakistan (EP) soon af ...

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