India’s Nervousness

By Asif Haroon Raja From the very outset, India has been scheming to harm Pakistan which she considers as a thorn in her flesh. Going by the book of Kautilya, India has been befriending the enemies of Pakistan and also trying to spoil Pakistan’s relations with its friends. To start with, India whispered into the ears of Afghan leadership to make Durand Line disputed and to raise the stunt of Pakhtunistan. S ...

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India and Sub-nationalists are Hand in Glove

By Sajjad Shaukat Pakistan is a peace loving country and has been subjected to worse kind of terrorism. All amicable efforts to negotiate with the terrorist outfits have failed. In fact, Indian covert and overt activities against the federation of Pakistan had led to the separation of the former East Pakistan in 1971. Now, India has been promoting sub-nationalism in Baluchistan, Khyber Paktunkhwa, Sindh and ...

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June 1984-Glummest Month of Sikh Community

By Zaheerul Hassan Responsible welfare states irrespective of religion, language, casts, sects, and culture certainly need to protect the rights of its inhabitants whether they belong to majority or majority segments of society. Failing which can stimulate irrecoverable differences, widening the gaps among the society and ultimately let the suppressed people to adopt their own course of action for obtaining ...

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Declare India the Terrorist State

By Sajjad Shaukat Since the US started global war against terrorism, after the 9/11 tragedy, various political experts have opined that terrorism comes in a variety of forms such as religious terrorism, secular terrorism, cross-border terrorism etc. Bruce Hoffman, in his book ‘Inside Terrorism’ writes: “For the religious terrorist, violence is the foremost divine duty executed in direct response to some dem ...

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پاک چین اقتصادی معاہدہ۔نئی دہلی میں مضطربانہ کھلبلی

 سیّد ناصررضا کاظمی یہ بین حقائق اگرہمہ وقت ہمارے پیشِ نظر رہیں تو ہم کبھی گمراہ نہیں ہوسکتے، کبھی حق اور سچائی کی راہ سے نہیں بھٹک سکتے، حق اور سچائی کی راہ پر گامزن اقوام‘ اُن کے لیڈر اگر اِن روشن اور ہدایتِ یافتہ راستوں پر چلنے کے لئے خود آمادہ اور تیار کرلیں‘ مطلب یہ کہ جب کسی بھی سماج اور معاشرے میں انسانی اور اخلاقی قدروں کا زوال عروج پر پہنچ جاتا ہے تو اُن کو مادّی‘ معاشی خوشحالی اور فراغت زوال سے مح ...

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India’s Operation Blue Star Revisited

By Sajjad Shaukat Operation Blue Star was an Indian military operation which occurred between 3–8 June 1984, ordered by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi to control over the Harmandir Sahib (Golden Temple) complex, the holiest shrine of the Sikhs in Amritsar, Punjab, and to arrest Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale and his armed followers from the complex buildings. Bhindranwale had earlier taken residence in Harmandir ...

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An Appraisal – China-Pakistan Energy Corridor

By Asif Haroon Raja I delivered a talk on China-Pakistan Energy Corridor and its ramifications at Thinkers Forum Pakistan on May 31, 2015, chaired by Air Chief Marshal (retd) Kaleem Saadat and attended by Lt Gen (retd) Lodhi, and members both from civil and military. After the talk, there was long question/answer session followed by summing up by the Chairman. Details of presentation are covered in succeedi ...

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سانحہ ِٗ گولڈن ٹمپل۔سکھ قوم نہیں بھلا سکتی

 سیّد ناصررضا کاظمی بھارت کے مشرقی پنجاب میں سکھوں کے ساتھ ’ہندتوا‘ کا جنونی تعصب کوئی نئی بات نہیں رہی ‘ چونکہ تقسیمِ ہند کے فوراً بعد متعصب اور انتہا پسند ہندو قائدین کو سب سے زیادہ خطرہ مسلمانوں کے بعدسکھوں سے درپیش تھا، تقسیمِ برصغیر کی تاریخ پر غیر جانبدار نکتہ ِٗ نظر رکھنے والے کہتے اور یہ مانتے ہیں کہ اکھنڈ بھارت کے جنونی داعیوں نے سکھوں کی نسل کشی کے منظم منصوبے اپنے مکروہ ذہنوں میں بہت پہلے سے بنار ...

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