سانحہ سمجھوتہ ایکسپریس’ کے اصل ملزمان کی ضمانت پر رہائی

ناصررضا کاظمی مہذب اور متمدن اقوام کی شناخت کیسے ہو؟ کیسے معلوم کیا جاسکے کہ عہدِ قدیم یا پھر عہدِ جدید میں وہ قومیں کون سی ہیں جنہوں نے ہمیشہ عدل وانصاف کا بول بالا کیا اپنے سماجی و ثقافتی عزت وحرمت کے تقدس کا پاس ولحاظ رکھا سماجی سطح پر یکساں حقوق بحال کیئے رکھے کسی کے ساتھ کوئی امتیازی ناروا سلوک نہیں کیا یہ سب حقائق جاننے اور سمجھنے کے لئے کل بھی ہمارے اسلاف تاریخ کے محتاج تھے اِسی طرح سے آج بھی ہم مہذب ...

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Strengthening Taliban

By Ali Sukhanver ‘A wave of attacks on Afghan police, army and NATO installations in Kabul killed at least 42 people and wounded hundreds, dashing hope that Taliban insurgents might be weakened by a leadership struggle after news of their longtime leader's death’, reported The Reuters on 7th August, 2015, ‘The attacks on Friday, which included a massive truck bomb in a heavily populated civilian area and a ...

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Indian Officials Continue Harassing Ladies

By Sajjad Shaukat Fundamentalist government of the BJP led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi still prefers military spending instead of improving social fabric of Indian society. Rising number of rapes are attributable to religious fanaticism, nation’s patriarchy, widespread poverty and lack of law enforcement. Now, India has become an eternal ordeal for ladies, and every 23 minutes a lady is raped. In this r ...

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Surgical Treatment of Terrorism

By Ali Sukhanver For the last many weeks, it has been a very popular statement of different politicians, defense analysts and of different TV anchors that the Operation Zarb-e-Azb in Pakistan is reaching its climax. This statement gives an impression that the menace of terrorism has been completely uprooted from the Pakistani society and that there is no more danger from their side now. But the fact of the ...

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Why India’s Confounded Policy towards Pakistan?

By Sajjad Shaukat India once again escaped from negotiations by cancelling National Security Adviser (NSA)-level talks with Pakistan, scheduled to be held in New Delhi on August 23-24. In this regard, as part of pre-conditions, Spokesperson of India’s Ministry of External Affairs Vikas Swarup said that New Delhi opposes Pakistan’s National Security Advisor Sartaj Aziz’s meeting with pro-independence leaders ...

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Who targeted Col (Retd) Shuja Khanzada

By Zaheerul Hassan Very brave leader and great soldier, Punjab Home Minister Col (Retd) Shuja Khanzada martyrdom along with DSP Hazro Shaukat Shah. 12 others killed and dozens of others injured in a suicide blast at his political office in Shadi Khan near Attock on 15 August 2015.  He was born on 23 August in his home town Shadi Khan, completed graduation in 1966 from Islamia College Peshawar, got commissio ...

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پاکستان افغا نستان تعلقات میں غیرملکی اندازِ نظر نہیں چلے گا

 ناصررضا کاظمی بطور افغان صدر اشرف غنی واقعی آجکل بہت مشکل ترین حالات میں اپنے فرائضِ منصبی ادا کررہے ہیں ورثے میں اُنہیں افغان اسٹیبلیشمنٹ کا جیسا تیسا انفراسٹریکچر ملا اُس میں سے 85% انفراسٹریکچر ابھی تک’ کرزئی عہد‘ کے چلے جانے کے باوجود تاحال بھارت نوازی کے پلڑے میں ہی بیٹھا ہوا ہے، یہ نئی دہلی والے ‘پاک افغان معاملات میں اپنے سینگ بلا وجہ پھنسائے نہیں بیٹھے اب یہ کوئی ڈھکی چھپی بات بھی نہیں رہی ‘ جیسا ک ...

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Indian Independence Day is Black Day for Kashmiris

By Sajjad Shaukat Every year when India celebrates Independence Day on August 15, Kashmiris on both sides of the Line of Control and the world over observe it as Black Day to convey the message to the international community that India continues to usurp their inalienable right to self- determination. This very day is being marked by complete shutdown, as deserted streets, closed businesses and security pat ...

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