India Violates ‘Balance of Terror’

                                        By Sajjad Shaukat On November 23, this year, Indian External Affairs Ministry spokesman Syed Akbaruddin told the Indian media that Pakistan’s Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi will have a meeting on the sidelines of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) summit, being held in Kathmandu on November 26-27. He elab ...

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Army Chief’s Successful Visit to the US

By Sajjad Shaukat Six days visit of Pakistan’s Chief of the Army Staff, Gen. Raheel Sharif to the United States has proved very successful and is considered a landmark in Pak-US relations. In his interaction, with the US top military and civil officials, Pakistan’s army chief straightforwardly pointed out co-relationship of regional problems including Pakistan’s sacrifices during war against terrorism, succ ...

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Modi’s Election Plan in Kashmir: Power Usurping the People

By Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai November 23, 2014 “Whatever the (Indian) Government spokesman might have said before, or may say now, there has never been a free and fair election in the State of Jammu and Kashmir.” Jayaprakash Narayan, ‘India’s Conscience-Keeper.’ Hope and change the Modi way seems to have taken in the majority of India's voters since he was elected in May, 2014 but his message to the flood-ravaged ...

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آئی ایس آئی اور قومی سلامتی

نغمہ حبیب کچھ ادارے یا کچھ لوگ کسی ملک کی پہچان ہوتے ہیں اور ان پر ممالک فخر کرتے ہیں۔پاکستان ایک زرخیز ملک ہے جو انسانی اور قدرتی وسائل سے بھرپور ہے اور ساتھ ہی ساتھ ہی اس کو خدا نے بہترین دماغوں سے بھی نوازا ہواہے اور ایسے ہی کچھ دماغ جب آپس میں ملے اور ملک کی بہتری کے لیے کوشاں ہوئے تو پاک فوج کا ادارہ آئی ایس آئی وجود میں آیا اور بلاشبہ پاکستان کی پہچان بنا۔یہ بات سبھی جانتے ہیں کہ آئی ایس آئی نے پاکستا ...

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Removing Obstacles in Pak-US Relations

  By Sajjad Shaukat    During his first visit to the United States, Pakistan’s Chief of the Army Staff, Gen. Raheel Sharif held talks with the top US generals and officials. Gen. Raheel Sharif who was warmly welcomed in the US was also conferred with the US Legion of Merit Medal in recognition of his brave leadership and efforts to ensure peace in the region. Analysts are taking the successful trip of Gen. ...

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Defeat of another super power in Afghanistan

By Asif Haroon Raja In the 19th century, Great Game was played between Russia and Great Britain in the regions of Central Asia and Afghanistan. Durand Line was demarcated in 1893 during Abdur Rahman’s rule and Afghanistan was created as a second buffer State between the two competing powers. Afghanistan was ruled by King M. Zahir Shah from 1933 till 1973. Absolute monarchy in Afghanistan was transformed int ...

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Who holds the key to peace?

By Asif Haroon Raja [caption id="attachment_2670" align="alignright" width="300"] South Asia Conflict Map[/caption] Although Pakistan became the most allied ally of the US in 1950s but this apparently deep-seated alliance was on papers only. Practically, the US always remained inclined towards India even when it was a camp follower of former USSR. The US left Pakistan high dry in the 1965 and 1971 wars with ...

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Countering Indian Propaganda against ISI

   By Sajjad Shaukat Indian spin doctors, especially those associated with Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and other extremist Hindu groups continuously propagate against Pakistan, and aggressively use anti- ISI narrative with a view to showing Islamabad in bad light, while maligning Pakistan’s top intelligence agency, ISI. Their sick mind and elusive psyche spread intriguing thoughts and breed wickedness ...

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