جنرل رضوان اختر ۔ باوقار آئینی ادارے کی پُر تاثیر شخصیت

 سیّد ناصررضا کاظمی ’ لوگ صرف اتنا جانتے ہیں کہ اِن کو کیا بولنا ہے؟ عقلمند آدمی مگر وہ ہے جو یہ بھی جانے کہ اُس کو کیا بولنا نہیں ہے ‘ یہ نہیں جو منہ میں آئے بولتا چلا جائے جو تعصب آلود ہ فکر کچھ لکھنے پر اُسے آمادہ کرئے وہ لکھتا چلا جائے کوئی اِس ناقص وکمرو راہ پر اگر چل نکلے خود کو ادیب ‘ قلمکار ‘ تجزیہ نگار یا صحافی بھی سمجھنا شروع کردے تو سمجھ لیجئے ’بد بختی ‘ نے اُس کا دروازہ دیکھ لیا ہے ایسے میں پھر ...

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Paying King Neptune to Cross the Equinox

 By Brig ® Mehboob Qadir Those of you familiar with the oceans would know that the  Equator sometimes called as Equinox is an imaginary dividing line between the northern and the southern hemispheres  and has fascinated seamen for centuries resulting in a vast body of sea legends .As the ancient belief goes on either side of the Equator, oceans flow in opposite directions and moon tips over. But more intere ...

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The Tao of forgiveness

One day, the sage gave the disciple an empty sack and a basket of potatoes. [caption id="attachment_3168" align="alignright" width="300"] Golden Temple - Indian Brutality 1984[/caption] "Think of all the people who have done or said something against you in the recent past, especially those you cannot forgive. For each of them, inscribe the name on a potato and put it in the sack." The disciple came up quit ...

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Don’t deploy arguments to justify the somersault on Kashmir

By Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai Once again, Kashmir is a living proof that it is not going to compromise, far less abandon, its demand for Azaadi (freedom) which is its birthright and for which it has paid a price in blood and suffering which has not been exacted from any other people of the South Asian subcontinent. Compared to the sacrifice Kashmir has had to endure, India and Pakistan themselves gained their free ...

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Lahore Blast Sound disappointment of terrorists

 By Zaheerul Hassan Second of November 2014 has brought sadness for families of those patriotic innocent children; women and people who became victims of a foreign sponsored suicidal bomber. They were hit by the terrorist when they were returning from the venue after witnessing the famous Indo-Pak flag-lowering ceremony at   Wagha border. In this suicidal blast at least 62 innocent people, including two Ran ...

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TTP Again Targets Innocent Persons

 By Sajjad Shaukat                                                                   More than 65 people were killed in a suicide attack on November 2, this year near a paramilitary soldiers’ checkpoint at Wagah in Lahore when Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) again targeted the innocent persons through its affiliated militant outfits, Jundullah and Jamaat-ul-Ahrar which claimed responsibility for the incide ...

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Lahore: 50 killed and 100 injured in Suicide Blast

By Rida Zaheer Lahore: At least 50 innocent people, including two Rangers personnel and children, were killed in a suicide blast at Wagah border in Lahore on Sunday. According to Dr. Iftikhar Medical Superintendent of Ghurki Hospital    more than 100 people brought in hospital. Out of these 48 have been brought dead and remaining were severely injured.  The bodies were severely damaged since suicidal used b ...

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Why India cannot fight War with Pakistan?

Indo-Pak relations are once again in doldrums. The simmering tensions along Line of Control (LoC) have put the entire Indo-Pak peace process on a perilous road. After a decade of being out of power, once again the BJP hardliners are back in business in India, playing a dirty politics with their neighbour—Pakistan—to attain domestic political mileage. Apprehensive statements are made by Mr. Modi’s subordinat ...

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