Child Labour in India

By Ali Sukhanver This highly civilized, educated and marvelously scientific world of today says that child labour is simply a severe violation of basic human rights; but in spite of this realization, throughout the world more than 215 million children aging from five to seventeen are compelled to work under conditions that are considered illegal, perilous and extremely exploitative according to the book of ...

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A Consolidated Model of Putting BSC into Action in Textile Industry in Pakistan

A Consolidated Model of Putting BSC into Action in Textile Industry in Pakistan By Muhammad Hassan Maqbool  &     Dr Nadeem Ishaq Kureshi Engineering Management Department Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Islamabad, Pakistan University of Sciences and Technology, Taxila, Pakistan Abstract BSC is one of the most advanced and widely used management tools. This is being used by most of the ‘Fort ...

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Afghanistan’s strategic backyard

By Laura Schuurmans The US and NATO have indicated that they will completely withdraw their forces in 2014 if they do not sign a bilateral security agreement (BSA) with the former and a status of forces agreement with the latter. The final presidential candidates of Afghanistan have pledged that they would sign a BSA and SOFA necessary for providing legal cover to the U.S. and NATO for their future military ...

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Will Narendra Modi Provide Justice to Muslims ?

MUSLIMS UNDER BJP's SIEGE. Images of a Genocide: Muslims Massacred by Indian Hindu Extremists By Zaheerul Hassan Khatunbibi, a Muslim, cries after a mob burned her home in the Shahpur area of Ahmadabad, India, Monday, April 22, 2002. Several neighborhoods in Ahmadabad, the commercial hub of Gujarat, were under siege Monday as Hindu and Muslim mobs clashed and set homes and businesses on fire. More than 850 ...

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Geo Media Group, Foreign Agenda and Double Standard

   By Sajjad Shaukat                                   Undoubtedly, media is a powerful instrument to build perceptions and promote ideologies. Media houses like Geo and Jang Group, due to their area of influence, wealth and assets inland and abroad, have become a monster in Pakistan. By acting upon the anti-Pakistan propaganda for the sake of money, this media group follows its own peculiar agenda, and kee ...

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Political silence on farmer suicides

Agrarian distress does not figure in the ongoing elections Inderjit Singh Jaijee At a rally in Sangrur (Punjab) women carry photographs of debt-ridden farmers and farm labourers who had committed suicide. A Tribune file photo EVEN though campaigning in Punjab is at its height and candidates are leaving no stone unturned to corner their rivals, the issue of rural suicides finds hardly any mention. One farm u ...

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Uni-polarism gasping for life

By Asif Haroon Raja The US track record during and after the Cold War is that it has always attacked economically and militarily poor countries. Excepting Israel and India, the aid it lends to its allies is always attached with tough conditions and for self-serving purposes. Besides bloody wars, destabilization of elected governments or regime change through gruesome covert operations is another favorite ho ...

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Sepoy Bashir, Who?

By Sohail Parwaz Today is ‘Youm-e-Shuohda’ (Martyrs’ Day). It should have been a day to be treasured, honoured and feted by the whole nation but regrettably it has generally been restricted to the cantonments, military graveyards and to those hundreds of sacred houses to whom these daring sons of the soil belonged.  I often say that one forgets everyday talk but decent and austere words spoken can never be ...

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