Is Pak-US MoU on Restoration of NATO supply Fruitful?

 Asif Haroon Raja Before the attacks on Kabul on 13 September 2011 and murder of Burhanuddin Rabbani on 20 September by the Taliban, the US was counting on Pakistan for a breakthrough in talks with Haqqanis led by Sirajuddin. Some meetings between Sirajuddin and America Officials Signing Restoration of NATO Supplyn officials had been arranged by ISI in some Gulf States to arrive at a political settlement. B ...

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Balochistan victim of foreign aggression

[caption id="attachment_2407" align="alignright" width="156"] Interior Minister[/caption]   Letter to Editor Interior minister Rehman Malik’s general impression is probably wrongly painted as that of an agent of the enemy. Sometime what he talks in public or on the floor of the house, his statement doesn’t match any other leader who is considered to be the most patriot. Senator Rehman Malik revealed in ...

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Terrorism & State Terrorism never defined

Asif Haroon Raja When George W Bush decided to invade Afghanistan, outwardly he pretended that the purpose was to avenge 9/11 attacks allegedly perpetrated by Osama bin Laden led al-Qaeda based in Afghanistan and to free the world from the menace of terrorism and to prevent 9/11 like attacks to recur. The US hidden motives were however altogether different. After regime change, [caption id="attachment_2357" ...

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Drone Attacks will Disrupt Pak-US Relations

Sajjad Shaukat Pak-US relations deteriorated in 2009 when as part of US espionage network, hundreds of the American CIA spies entered Pakistan under the guise of diplomats who began anti-Pakistan activities through their affiliated militants by supervising andguiding them. On many occasions, Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) helped in stopping the secret movements of the CIA spies who were traveling in vehi ...

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Why Situation in Balochistan is Deteriorating?

   By Sajjad Shaukat Now-a-days, law and order situation is so rapidly deteriorating in Balochistan that the Supreme Court of Pakistan has seriously been taking the phenomena, while hearing the cases of the missing persons of the province. [caption id="attachment_2306" align="alignright" width="212"] Quaid House in Ziarat - Balochistan[/caption] In this regard, by resuming the hearing on July 26, Chief Just ...

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Saudi Intelligence Sources Claims: Blast news & Death of Deputy Spy Chief ‘Fake’

[caption id="attachment_2282" align="alignright" width="113"] Saudi Arabia[/caption] Posted by  Zaheerul Hassan According to reliable sources , the  recent spate of news floating around the Internet which claim a blast at the Mukhabarat al-Aa'mmah or General Intelligence Directorate of Saudi Arabia in Riyadh are absolutely fake and concocted, said a senior Saudi security official when contacted by this scri ...

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DG ISI’s Crucial Visit to the US

By Sajjad Shaukat With the full backing of the civil and military leadership in melting further ice between Pak-US ties, the Director General of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Lt-Gen Zaheerul Islam will visit America and will meet Director CIA General David Petraeus on August 2. [caption id="attachment_2227" align="alignright" width="316"] Lt Gen Zaheerul Islam , DGI[/caption] Notably, the scheduled ...

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PROFESSOR ALI SUKHANVER According to media reports, the new ISI chief, General Zaheer-ul-Islam would be there in Washington on 2nd of this August to hold talks with CIA Director David Petraeus on counter-terror cooperation and intelligence sharing. Since after the ‘uncivilized and unethical’ raid of the US marines in search of Osama Bin Laden in Abbotabad, the relationship between the two countries is conti ...

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