Media power and responsibility

By: Shamshad Ahmad In an unlettered society where one rarely comes across people genuinely into writing or reading and where books are sold not by content but by weight as a waste paper commodity and where book stores are disappearing fast getting converted into video shops or burger stands, the arrival of every single new book by a Pakistani author is freshening expression of a resolve not to give up the b ...

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Hugo Chavez Frias: Lead the nation from front

 Venezuelan nation will never forget  their leader  Hugo Chavez who put the country on track and always preferred to live with dignity and houner. His revolutionary steps really changed the life style of  the masses. The article "Hugo Chavez Frias, Rest in Power: Eres de los muertos que nunca mueren! " written by Daniel is posted here  for readers consumption .  (By Zaheerul Hassan) By Daniel Patrick Welch ...

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Now it is Banglandesh

PROFESSOR ALI SUKHANVER ‘The death toll rose to at least 37 in violence sparked by a controversial death sentence handed down against the head of an Islamic party for war crimes committed during the country's 1971 war of independence’, reported The Los Angeles Times on the first day of this March. The paper further says, ‘Tensions have been running high in recent weeks as verdicts were announced in the tria ...

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Penchant for self-condemnation

Mohammad Jamil In a front page comment in yesterday’s The Frontier Post, Mst Kamila Hyat referred to the sequence of events taking place in Bangladesh some 40 years after the 1971 civil war as extremely significant. “This is hardly surprising given the scale of the atrocities committed by West Pakistani troops, including the murder of students, the rape of women and plunder of entire villages”, she wrote. T ...

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The CIA Is Training Syria’s Rebels: Uh-Oh, Says a Top Iraqi Leader

By Robert Dreyfuss The United States is slipping and sliding down that proverbial “slippery slope” in Syria toward something that looks increasingly like war. Most worryingly, according to The New York Times, the CIA is training Syrian fighters in Jordan. Buried in its story today about Secretary of State John Kerry’s announcement that the United States will increase aid to the rebels, including medical sup ...

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Afghanistan Political Puzzle

By Dr Zafar Nawaz Jaspal The withdrawal of foreign forces from Afghanistan in 2014 certainly has decisive impact on both Afghanistan’s domestic situation as well its relations with its neighboring states. Afghanistan’s internal political environment will inescapably transform, once the foreign troops depart from the country. The makeover of new Afghan ruling elite would determine and chalk out Kabul’s forei ...

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Factors expediting timely pullout of ISAF

 By Asif Haroon Raja   Apart from hostile eastern border which has remained a chronic security concern for Pakistan since its inception, Pakistan’s western border has also remained a source of constant irritation and anxiety. To begin with, settled issue of Durand Line was willfully converted into a dispute and Pakhtunistan stunt was played up with the help of former NAP later renamed as ANP. Khan Brothers ...

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Highs and lows on strategic, internal fronts

By: Sikander Shaheen Hallmarked with renewed commitments, reprioritised relationships, invariable highs and sinking lows, Pakistan’s defence sector had been the centre-stage of dramatic turn of events in the year 2012. Not only the external strategic pressures but the challenges from within as well predominantly marked the chronology of happenings on the defence side. With the standoff between Islamabad and ...

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