U.S. Drone Attacks in Pakistan and Yemen – 2013

By Patrick O’Connor Marking the first US drone attacks of 2013, the Obama administration ordered two separate missile bombardments in Pakistan and Yemen on Wednesday and Thursday. The latest attacks demonstrate that the drawdown of US-led occupying forces in Afghanistan will be accompanied by an expansion of illegal drone operations across the Middle East. At least 16 people were reported killed, all allege ...

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Tahirul Qadri’s entry in political arena

 By Asif Haroon Raja Sudden arrival of Chairman Minhajul Quran, Dr Tahirul Qadri in Pakistan and holding a mammoth public meeting at Minar-e-Pakistan on 23 December has puzzled the thinking minds and set the tongues wagging about his stated and hidden motives. It is being asked whether he has come of his own accord driven by pristine thoughts or has been launched with an agenda. Some say he has been motivat ...

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Security Challenges to Pakistan

     By Sajjad Shaukat Media reported on January 2, this year that while changing professional priorities, Pakistan Army has declared the internal threats such as anti-state terrorist groups as major challenge to the country. In the newly published Green Book, known as Army Doctrine, a new chapter, titled, ‘Sub-conventional Warfare’ has been added which also mentions about the militant intrusion in Pakistan ...

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Save Pakistan from ‘Talibanisation’

By Sajjad Shaukat Although Pakistan’s provinces of Balochistan and Gilgit-Baltistan including city of Karachi have been facing various forms of subversive attacks, yet wave of terrorism has intensified in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa which has perennially been targeted by the Taliban militants on regular basis. Besides other terror acts, militants’ attack on Peshawar Air Port on December 15, this year, and a car bomb ...

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Misperceptions about defence budget

Asif Haroon Raja Military capability is required to protect the country from internal and external threats, while political stability and economic prosperity is essential for development. The three components help in protecting the sovereignty, integrity and security of a state as well as well-being of the people. The three are interlinked and cannot be separated from each other. It will be ideal to concent ...

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Two sides of the same coin

Asif Haroon Raja Pakistan is an unfortunate country whose destiny is intertwined with treacherous India in the east which lets go no opportunity to harm Pakistan, and Afghanistan on its northwest which is wild and unreliable.  Afghanistan prefers Hindu India over Muslim Pakistan in spite of the fact that it doesn’t share border with India and is not in sync ideologically.  Except for Taliban regime from 199 ...

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Obama’s Secret War through Drones

  By Sajjad Shaukat In his second tenure, it was expected that the US President Barack Obama would reassess American controversial foreign policy, especially by ceasing CIA-operated drone attacks on Pakistan. But these aerial strikes continue on Pak tribal areas. It is mentionable that Director General of Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) Lt. Gen. Zaheerul Islam who visited America in August, 2012, emphatic ...

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India’s ambitions to encircle Pakistan

Asif Haroon Raja India is largest in size and population and militarily and economically the strongest country in South Asia. Indian Army of 1.4 million with 34 combat divisions is the third largest in the world and Indian air force and navy too are formidable. India has made its standing in the world because of its geo-strategic importance and huge economic market. Diplomatically it is well placed in the w ...

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