Writer’s Unrealistic Approach

By Sajjad Shaukat At this critical juncture, when all the political and religious parties, including all the segments of society of Pakistan are united to give a matching response to India war hysteria, showing solidarity with country’s armed forces in case of any prospective aggression by India, it is surprising that an article written by Cyril Almeida, published in the daily Dawn, on October 6, 2016 under ...

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India will Increase War Hysteria against Pakistan

By Sajjad Shaukat In the aftermath of the terror attack at a military base in Uri, close to the Line of Control (LoC) with Pakistan, India is deliberately increasing war hysteria against Pakistan. India has deliberately creaking war-like situation against Pakistan. Hence, with the SAAR summit scheduled in Islamabad in November has been postponed, under a shadow following a boycott by India, Bhutan, Afghanis ...

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بھارتی جنگی جنون ۔۔۔اَجے شُکلا کے انکشافات

بھارتی جنگی جنون ۔۔۔اَجے شُکلا کے انکشافات نغمہ حبیب بھارت اس وقت جنگی جنون میں مبتلا ء ہے ایسا صرف اب نہیں ہمیشہ سے ہے لیکن بھارت کا دہشت گرد مودی اس وقت ذہنی مریض بن چکا ہے اور محسوس ہو رہا ہے کہ بہت ساری حرکات وہ دیوانگی میں کر رہا ہے کشمیر میں اس کی افواج جو انسانیت سوز مظالم کر رہی ہیں اُس کی کوئی توجیہہ اس کے پاس نہیں ۔کشمیر میں آزادی کی تحریک میں خود بھارت سرکار اور مودی نے جو روح پھونکی ہے اب اُسے ق ...

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Indian Journalist Exposed Indian Designs against Pakistan

By Sajjad Shaukat Indian journalist Ajai Shukla who is a retired Colonel of Indian Army and writes articles on defense policy has exposed Indian designs against Pakistan in the aftermath of the Uri base terror attack. In his article, under the caption Uri attack: Military Reviews ‘Escalation Ladder’ which was published in the Business Standard on September 21, 2016 also reproduced on the website http://ajai ...

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وزیر اعظم میاں نوا شریف نے اقوام متحدہ کی جنرل اسمبلی میں کشمیریوں کی ترجمانی کرنے میں کوئی کسر نہیں چھوڑی

برمنگھم(پ ر) تحریک کشمیر یورپ کے صدر محمد غالب نے کہا ہے کہ پاکستان کے وزیر اعظم میاں نوا شریف نے اقوام متحدہ کی جنرل اسمبلی میں کشمیریوں کی ترجمانی کرنے میں کوئی کسر نہیں چھوڑی اب عالمی امن کے علمبرداروں کی ذمداری ہے کہ وہ کشمیریوں کے ساتھ انصاف کریں بھارت کے ظلم اور وحشیانہ مظالم کو بند کریں بھارت کو مجبور کیا جائے کہ وہ مذاکرات اور پر امن راستہ اختیار کرے اور کشمیریوں کے ساتھ کیے گے وعدوں کو پورا کی جائے ...

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Why President Obama Ignores Human Rights in Kashmir

By Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai Since the current uprising in Kashmir began with the killing of Burhan Wani on July 8, the unjustifiable and violent attack with bullets, birdshot from pump-action shotguns and extreme cane beatings by Indian military forces upon many of some 200,000 mourners who attended his funeral, who were in technical violation of a rigid curfew that was established by the police and armed forces ...

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Defense Day, Imbibing the Spirit of 1965 War

By Sajjad Shaukat Every year September 6 is celebrated as the defense day to pay tribute to the Pakistani soldiers who defeated India in the 1965 war. Military thinkers agree that although the physical force will determine the type and scale of war, yet it is the will to fight or moral force which determines the outcome of war. Clausewitz puts it this way, “One might say that the physical force seems little ...

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Pakistan’s Security and Political Situation

by Asif Haroon Raja Dynamics of World Global Politics [caption id="attachment_13958" align="alignright" width="300"] The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi visits the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr. Nawaz Sharif's home in Raiwind, where his grand-daughter's wedding is being held, at Lahore, Pakistan on December 25, 2015.[/caption] After the 2nd World War, USA and Soviet Union emerged as two super powers and ...

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