US Should Apologize Not Only for Kunduz But for Her Faulty Foreign Policies (Part II)

By Ishaal Zehra (Continued…) Next in line was the Soviet–Afghan War (1979 – 1989) which lasted over nine years. Stretching from December 1979 to February 1989 the war was fought by the Insurgent groups "the Mujahideen", who received aid from several Western and Muslim countries, against the Soviet Army and allied Afghan forces. It is estimated that about 850,000–1.5 million civilians were killed in this con ...

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Shadows of Sectarian Violence during Muharram

By Sajjad Shaukat Although terror-related sectarian incidents have continued in various regions of Pakistan in the past few years, yet as soon as the month of Muharram approaches, the shadows of fear and uncertainty cover the country. Similarly, these events occur throughout the year, claiming human lives, but during this month, the incidents of religious extremism increase manifolds becoming a source of sh ...

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Afghanistan at ebb of precipice

By Asif Haroon Raja The strategic import of Afghanistan can hardly be overstressed. The rising power, China, and reemerging power, Russia, energy and resource rich Central Asia and Middle East, and strategically located Pakistan surround Afghanistan. In real-politick terms, stability in Afghanistan and regional concord among all the countries surrounding it would contribute in the fast-paced development of ...

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US Sikh Leaders condemn Kotkapura incidents

Washington, DC October 15, 2015: US Sikh leaders have condemned the recent Police action in Kotkapura which led to 2 deaths and several dozens injured seriously. Dr. Rajwant Singh, Chairman of the Sikh Council on Religion and Education and Inderpaul Singh Gadh, Chairman of the Guru Gobind Singh Foundation laid the blame squarely on the Punjab Government of Parkash Singh Badal for mishandling of a very sensi ...

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US Weak Position for the New Cold War

By Sajjad Shaukat Coped with multiple internal and external issues and problems, the US has weak position for to the New Cold War which has begun. Although United States is the homeland of hundreds of leading think-tanks and strategic institutes, yet due to his faulty strategy, its President Barack Obama failed in waging the war of nerves, which also includes the elements of ‘hot war’ at present. In this re ...

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Indian Type of Secularism

By Ali Sukhanver The murder-story of Mohammad Akhlaq would never become stale; it would always remain a blob of shame and disgrace on the face of the so-called secular society of India. The people of India are very unfortunate that they mistakenly elected Mr. Modi as their Prime Minister whose identity in politics is nothing but religious extremism. Michael E. Miller of the Washington Post says in a recent ...

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US Should Apologize Not Only for Kunduz But for Her Faulty Foreign Policies

By Ishaal Zehra The US military has offered a series of shifting explanations for the bombing raid, from initially talking about “collateral damage” to now admitting, as Obama did in his call to MSF chef Joanne Liu that the strike was a mistake. The US President Barack Obama has called the president of Medicins Sans Frontieres (MSF) on October 7th to apologize for the bombing of an MSF hospital in northern ...

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Pakistan’s Evolving Security Paradigm and its Future Course

By Brig® Mehboob Qadir World War 2 ended with a horrible bang; Nagasaki and Hiroshima were wiped out of existence with nuclear bombs and the devastation was of catastrophic proportions likes of which, the world had never seen before and one earnestly wishes never does again. Millions of people were simply incinerated to charcoal, buildings evaporated and whole blocks leveled like houses of sand before a ste ...

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