Persecution of Minorities in India

By Sajjad Shaukat India has broken all the records of violence, genocide and massacre perpetrated on various ethnic and religious groups entailing the community of its own lower castes. As part of persecution of minorities, these atrocities and injustices still continue in one way or the other. Although apparently, India claims to be the largest democracy, acting upon the principles of liberalism and secula ...

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بھارت کا جنگی جنونی دفاعی بجٹ۔ بحرانوں کے خدشات

 سیّد ناصررضا کاظمی ’شاہ سے زیادہ شاہ کا وفادار نکلا ہے یہ جے ٹیلی ‘ بھارتی وزیر خزانہ ارون ٹیلی نے مودی حکومت کا پہلا ’جنگی جنونی بجٹ ‘ پیش کرکے یہ کیسی احمقانہ شہرت پائی ہے ا یک نریندری مودی دنیا کے امن کو لاحق خطرات کے لئے خود کیا کم تھا جس نے ’چالاکی ‘ یا ہشیاری سے نہیں ویسے بھی اُس میں ’چالاکیاں اور ہوشیاریاں دیکھنے سے بھی نہیں ملتی اِس عمر جا کر ہمیں اب یہ علم ہوا ہے کہ ’چالاکی یا ہوشیاری ‘ دانشمندو ں ...

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Israel seeks war not peace

By Asif Haroon Raja In the 19th century, the Muslims strength in Palestine was 86% and that of Jews only 4%. Despite the overwhelming majority, the Muslims treated the Jews justly. In later part of 19th century, the Jews spread all over the world started to shift to Palestine under a calculated plan and Great Britain helped them in their relocation. In the 1st World War, the British and the French deceptive ...

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India’s Increasing Defense Budget: At What Cost?

By Sajjad Shaukat On February 28, this year, India announced its ambitious defense budget amounting to 2.47 trillion Indian rupees ($40.07 billion), a 7.9 percent increase for the fiscal year starting from April 1, 2015, suggesting that it will move with the military’s long wish list for fighter jets, ships and artillery, as Narendra Modi’s government presented its first budget. For the current fiscal year, ...

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گجرات۔اور امریکی صدر کے ضمیر کی بے چینی

 سیّد ناصررضا کاظمی کل تک ہمارا کیا بہت سوں کا خیال تھا کہ جنونی مذہبی منافرت کے لبادوں میں لپٹی ‘ تعصبات کی رنگی رنگائی میں رنگی بھارتی سیکولر جمہوریت کا قدبت‘ بہت طاقتور ’قد آور ‘ ہے ماضی میں اِس کا بڑا ڈھنڈورا پیٹا جاتا تھا بھارتی سیکولر جمہور ی تسلسل کی انعقاد پذیری سے بھارت کے عوام کو کتنا فائدہ پہنچا ہے بحث اِس پر نہیں اصل بات یہ ہے کہ کیا بھارت میں ہر پانچ برس بعد اپنے وقت پر منعقد کرائے جانے والے ان ...

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US fight against Terrorism

Saima Afzal  “The Clash of Civilization” by Samuel P. Huntington was a thought provoking as well as profound theory against Muslim World. His article was published in 1993, in the Foreign Affairs. In his theory, he mentioned that there is no conflict between the ideologies in the world, but between civilization, where different cultures and religious identities are the main factor in creating cooperation or ...

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Protocols of Poverty

 By Brig® Mehboob Qadir Prosperity is by the grace of God; poverty arrives from elsewhere. The two are incompatible through a different Rhesus Factor. Unlike general but abstract understanding of poverty, what is going to be discussed here is an upshot of such overpowering destitution where everything material and moral is severely scarce. In our calculus moral poverty versus the material poverty takes a hi ...

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India’s Water Aggression against Pakistan

By Sajjad Shaukat In the modern world, there are various forms of bloodless wars like economic wars which amount to aggression. In these terms, besides supporting subversive acts including cross-bordering shelling, India has also stared water aggression against Pakistan. In March, 2011, while speaking in diplomatic language, Indus Water Commissioner of India G. Ranganathan had refused by stating, “Indian de ...

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