Post Taliban Afghan Political and Government Structure

By Abu Ezaan Afghan presidential elections scheduled in April 2014, if held as announced and planned, would be third such accomplishment in the post Taliban Afghanistan. The post Taliban political course for Afghanistan was charted during an International conference (Bonn-I) at Bonn, Germany in December 2001, which was mandated by the United Nations (UN). The Bonn-I was led by UN envoy to Afghanistan, Ambas ...

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Just for Fame and Prominence

ALI SUKHANVER Fame and prominence are very natural type of desires. Living and dying in this world without any recognition and without being acknowledged is something very difficult and very unnatural. Different people adopt different ways and manners to satisfy their desire of fame and recognition. Some take the sword of knowledge in their hands and some opt for the service of suffering humanity but some u ...

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Kashmir dispute not treated as core issue

By Asif Haroon Raja It is frustrating to see our gullible leaders going an extra mile to please India, even when it insults them and Pakistan by leveling all sorts of unfounded allegations. Pakistan has been constantly ceding ground by agreeing to various formulas put forward by UN representatives and also granting concessions. India on the other hand has remained inflexible and refused to reciprocate even ...

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The US scripted endgame has gone awry

Asif Haroon Raja After occupation of Afghanistan in November 2001 by US led western forces and Afghan Northern Alliance force, the US inspired constitution and democracy was pushed down the gullets of Afghans. Ground was prepared for elections and the US spent huge amounts in winning over the loyalties of warlords and to make the elections successful. The first presidential election was held in 2004 which e ...

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Shining India is losing its shiny finish

By Asif Haroon Raja Shining India is losing its shiny finish and its rapidly surging economy has begun to plummet. The ruling Congress is roiled in mega corruption and sex scandals and so is the Indian military. Rape is in high fashion with New Delhi in the lead. Senior Army officers are involved in sex scandals and corruption. Besides frequent cases of rape, wife swapping and group sexes were reported by I ...

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Saudi Arabia- Iran Rivalry in Afghanistan

By Abu Ezaan Halford Mackinder's concepts have assumed classic status in the world of political geography today. One of the most significant ideas of Mackinder, which is often referred to, states that control of Eastern Europe would bring command of the ‘Heartland,’ thus control of the ‘World-Island’ (Eurasia), and ultimately the ‘World’. The South Asia, particularly Pakistan and Afghanistan being part of t ...

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Appeasement taken as sign of docility

Asif Haroon Raja Nawaz Sharif addressed the UN Assembly on 27th and in that he jogged the memory of the UNSC by reminding it of its responsibility to resolve the 66 year old Kashmir dispute in accordance with the UN resolutions. He also called upon the international community to play its due role for the realization of the right of self-determination of the Kashmiri people and let them decide their future t ...

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Indiscipline and perversion in Indian army

By Mohammad Jamil A court of inquiry (CoI) has been ordered into the incident in which a soldier of the 22 NCC Battalion allegedly beat up and injured his commanding officer at Batala in Gurdaspur on 13th October 2013. The soldier was immediately arrested and his commanding officer Colonel B.M. Hansra rushed to hospital for treatment. According to official sources, Colonel Hansra had summoned the soldier af ...

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