Russia Rejected U.S. plea over Snowden

United State tussle with Russia over Snowden has become a new bone of contentions between two traditional rivals. Russia denied presence of any contract with U.S. over exchange of prisoners.  Putin said, yes, he's at a Moscow airport, and no, you can't have him. Russian President Vladimir Putin gave the first official acknowledgment of the whereabouts of National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden on Tue ...

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India’s Blatant ‘Joke’ about Terrorism

 By Sajjad Shaukat While following the double standard of some western countries about terrorism, and speaking in the US baseless tone that Pakistan should ‘do more’ against the militants, Indian Defence Minister AK Antony said on June 18, this year that Pakistan must take strong action against terrorist groups operating from its soil. Antony’s statement becomes India’s blatant joke about terrorism, if we w ...

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Traitors within Pakistan

  By Sajjad Shaukat June 15 was the blackest day in the history of Pakistan as militants carried out the most dastardly terror-attack on Quaid-e-Azam residency in Ziarat, Balochistan. They damaged the entire structure of the residence, and replaced Pakistan’s flag with that of Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA). Quaid’s residency was a symbol of the state; therefore the attack which suddenly shocked the enti ...

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Bangladesh model applied in Balochistan

Asif Haroon Raja Sheikh Mujibur Rahman had nurtured the dream of independent Bengal from early days. He and his henchmen got in touch with Indian intelligence agencies and during one of the meetings in Agartala in November 1963, finalized the plan to detach East Pakistan from rest of Pakistan. Under the garb of remedying political and economic grievances of East Pakistan, he formulated six points formula an ...

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Obama Defense Attorney Says Birth Certificate Is 100% Fraud

Tim Brown Freedom outpost Reed Hayes is a court qualified handwriting and document examiner whose business is located in Honolulu, Hawaii. He has nearly 40 years of handwriting related experience, and has worked as an international consultant and speaker. Never heard of him? Well, Hayes is the Certified Document Examiner (CDE) who produced the 40 page opinion referenced in the Mike Zullo affidavit that was ...

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We must not chase rainbows

By Asif Haroon Raja India is the largest country in South Asia and its leaders never tire of boasting that India is the super power of the region and a potential world power. It has disputes with all its neighbors because of which it doesn’t enjoy best of relations with any. Since India is past master in covert operations and propaganda war and habitually resorts to intrigues, economic coercion and blackmai ...

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TTP is still a potent threat

Asif Haroon Raja Jihadis who had taken part in Afghan Jihad against the Soviet forces were from Pakistan, mostly from FATA and settled areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP). Jihadis from Arab, African and Central Asian countries refused to return back to their countries of origin after the successful culmination of Jihad since they were not welcomed back. The US and Saudi Arabia that had collected them and used ...

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PTI should stop mourning

Asif Haroon Raja During the infamous tenure of PPP led regime from March 2008 to March 2013, the parliament was a dummy with its controls in the hands of President Zardari with a tainted past. The central government believing in making hay as long as the sun shone was rived in mega scandals and record breaking corruption. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) government was the most corrupt, Balochistan (Bln) government ...

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