The Israeli Crimes, the Western Complicity and the Muslims’ Silence

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal The historical stories are not told to keep people asleep. It is to make people awake so that it should not happen again.But such an objective of studying history has totally failed. The history of genocidal massacre of Bosnian Muslims by the Serbs and the complicity of the Western countries and Russia tells a lot to help understand the current Israeli genocide in Gaza. If anyone fai ...

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Muslims’ betrayal of the duty and the earned punishment

By Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal The betrayal and the punishment Muslims are the only people on the earth assigned to work as the viceroy of the Almighty Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la. It is indeed the highest honour that a human can ever imagine. This is the only reason that makes a man or woman to bear the title of a Muslim. The term “Muslim” is the emblem of total surrender to Allah Sub’hana wa Ta’la. So it signifie ...

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UN to Ensure Stopping Israeli aggression against Palestine

Israeli Brutality against Palestine By Zaheerul HassanSince six days, Israel continuously kept on launching intense barrage missile and multiple air strikes in Gaza. The death toll of Palestinians rose to 154 including 40 children, 20 ladies and severely injured over 1000. Seven Israelis also died, in response of Hamas 1500 rockets firing at Tel Aviv. Israeli forces hit a 13-story residential building in Ga ...

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Pak-Saudi Govts Should Call OIC Meeting

By Zaheerul Hassan UNO and world over protests failed to convince Israeli to stop brutality in Gaza. Tonnage of bombs pounded in Gaza by Tel Aviv’s warplanes in more than 155 airstrikes on the blockaded strip till 27th day of aggression. So far, in airstrikes and ground actions Palestinian sources claimed 1,724 killed while 9, 080 others have been injured. 421 children and 205 women and 21 medical staff are ...

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From ISI to ISIL to IS

By  Asif Haroon Raja Despite world protests, the US led forces invaded Iraq in March 2003 on concocted charges that Iraq’s ruling regime was in possession of WMDs and was connected with al-Qaeda. The prime motivation to annex Iraq was oil, but the other compelling reason was Israeli security concern. Tel Aviv viewed Baathist Iraqi armed forces under Saddam Hussain as the biggest strategic challenge to its s ...

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Tensions in Gaza

[caption id="attachment_4615" align="alignright" width="400"] Mohammed and Ahmed Qdeih.[/caption] By Joshua Brollier – Gaza City Yesterday in al-Faraheen, Gaza, Israeli Occupation Forces shot and wounded an unarmed 22 year old farmer, Mohammed Qdeih, from behind. Mohamed and nine others went out to their fields in the early afternoon, walking approximately 250 meters from the Israeli border. Within minutes, ...

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US Agrees To Replenish Israeli Bullets/Bombs That Killed Palestinians

U.S. to "sell" Israel munitions to renew stock after Operation Pillar of Defense By StephenManual ---------- Israel is one of the largest United States military and civil aid receivers. The US has been providing huge military funds to Israel, besides providing the country with sophisticated weapons and modern gadgets. According to a latest deal, the United States is going to sell munitions worth $647 millio ...

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Obama Surrenders To The Israel Lobby

By ŞAHİN ALPAY I wrote last week that the recent Israeli aggression against Gaza is a test for US President Barack Obama as to whether he will keep his word from 2009 and work towards a two-state solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict now that he has been re-elected. A cease-fire was reached once more, after scores of Palestinians were killed and Gaza was once more ravaged, but there is no indication ...

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