CIA Passing Info to Syrian Rebels: Report

By AFP March 23, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -"AFP" - The US Central Intelligence Agency has been feeding information to select rebel fighters in Syria to try to make them more effective against government troops, The Wall Street Journal reported Saturday. Citing unnamed current and former US officials, the newspaper said the new CIA effort reflected a change in the administration's approach that aims ...

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Indian: “A woman travelling should wear full dress & avoid isolated areas”, said UK

By Balbir Singh Sooch Rape (the crime of using force somebody to have sexual intercourse with somebody) is directly proportional-relative, comparative to complicated-complex, difficult, intricate, knotty, full of twists and turns (composed of many interrelated parts or features-difficult to understand, deal with, or explain-as life is complicated enough as it is) social (collective has also different meanin ...

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Obama’s Endgame: War with Iran?

By RT Will launching a catastrophic military offensive against the Islamic Republic of Iran be the defining moment of US President Obama’s two-term presidency? Against all common sense and uncommon wisdom, it looks increasingly possible that Barack Obama, the Democratic leader who once-upon-a-campaign seduced the world by pledging to “sit down and talk with America’s enemies,” will resort to armed conflict ...

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Obama Drones Dosnt Target Eric ?

Because the administration is backing terrorists in Syria By Paul Joseph Watson March 13, 2013 "Information Clearing House" - Since the Obama administration seems so keen to entrench its authority to kill Americans deemed “terrorists” on foreign soil, why has it failed to drone strike former US Army soldier Eric Harroun, who is now fighting with the Al-Qaeda affiliated terrorist group Jabhat al-Nusra in Syr ...

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Pakistan’s sacrifices not recognized

By Asif Haroon Raja   The US-NATO-CIA-Afghan regime-India have been continually casting aspersions on the ISI that it is ‘intimately involved’ with the insurgency in Afghanistan and is secretly aiding Afghan Taliban. They allege that but for ISI’s support; the Taliban couldn’t have snatched the initiative from them and forced them to withdraw. Although the allegation is baseless and unsubstantiated, for arg ...

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US-UK Al Qaeda Airlift: 3,000 Tons of Weapons Fuel Syria’s Destruction

By Tony Cartalucci The primary reason, we are told, that the West must immediately begin wider operations to support the so-called Syrian rebels, is to head off extremists, namely Al Qaeda, from overrunning Syria. This narrative has been sold for nearly a year now, as it has become evidently clear that all major offensives in Syria against the Syrian people and their government have been led by Al Qaeda ter ...

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Syrian rebels seize 21 U.N. peacekeepers near Golan Heights

Posted By Rida Zaheer Syrian rebels seized 21 U.N. peacekeepers from the Philippines on 6 MARCH 2013 in a bid to convince President Bashar al-Assad pull back from a rebel-held village near the Golan Heights. In a video posted to the Internet, a man claiming to be the spokesman for the rebel Martyrs of Yarmouk Brigades said that his men will hold the peacekeepers until Assad's forces withdraw from Jamlah, wh ...

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Now it is Banglandesh

PROFESSOR ALI SUKHANVER ‘The death toll rose to at least 37 in violence sparked by a controversial death sentence handed down against the head of an Islamic party for war crimes committed during the country's 1971 war of independence’, reported The Los Angeles Times on the first day of this March. The paper further says, ‘Tensions have been running high in recent weeks as verdicts were announced in the tria ...

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