How is America threatened by Iran?

By Pat Buchanan Regularly now, The Washington Post, as always concerned with fairness and balance, runs a blog called "Right Turn: Jennifer Rubin's Take From a Conservative Perspective." The blog tells us what the Post regards as conservatism. On Monday, Rubin declared that America's "greatest national security threat is Iran." Do conservatives really believe this? How is America, with thousands of strategi ...

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Israel Instructs Obama: “Iranian And Syrian Sanctions Are Not Painful Enough!”

By Franklin Lamb Iran is expected to meet with other world powers in Astana, Kazakhstan to discuss its nuclear program. Discussions that the occupiers of Palestine fervently hope will not be successful. It is toward this end that their key demand this week to the US Congress, the White House and the European Union is “to cast responsibility on the Iranians by blaming them for the talks’ failure in the clear ...

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A peep into Pakistan’s history of infancy

Asif Haroon Raja Creation of Pakistan on August 14, 1947 broke the century old shackles of bondage. Although a moth-eaten and truncated Pakistan, yet it was the largest Muslim nation in the world. Seventy million hearts of Pakistanis throbbed and pulsated with rapturous excitement and joy. The unfurling of the green and white banner raised their heads with pride and their jubilation knew no bounds. Their re ...

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War and Institutionalizing Abuse

By Lawrence Davidson In the halls of Congress and confines of the Oval Office, the perception is that the U.S. is at war with an enemy called al-Qaeda.  Is this actually the case or is the claim an exaggerated piece of propaganda that has conveniently captured the minds of leaders whose abuse of power has become institutionalized? In modern history “war” most often describes a condition of armed conflict be ...

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What The Syrian Death Tolls Really Tell Us

Unreliable data can incite and escalate a conflict – the latest UN-sponsored figure of 60,000 should not be reported as fact By Sharmine Narwani February 16, 2013 "Information Clearing House" - Less than two months after the UN announced "shocking" new casualty figures in Syria, its high commissioner for human rights, Navi Pillay estimates that deaths are "probably now approaching 70,000". But two years int ...

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Any Attack on Syria is an Attack on Iran.

Just Back From The Mideast – And I’m Really Worried By Eric Margolis February 03, 2013 "Information Clearing House" - The Mideast is stumbling into one of its most dangerous crisis in decades. I’m just back from the region – and as an old Mideast hand, I am very worried. This region is always tense, but right now a series of separate conflicts are rapidly beginning to intersect. We see the Mideast, North Af ...

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Syria Warns Israel of ‘Surprise’ Retaliation

By Al Jazeera Syria has threatened to retaliate for an Israeli air attack while its ally Iran says there will be repercussions for Israel over the attack. Ali Abdul-Karim Ali, Syrian ambassador to Lebanon, said in Damascus on Thursday that Syria "has the option and the capacity to surprise in retaliation". Ali said he could not predict when Syria would retaliate. It was up to the relevant authorities to pre ...

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India’s women face daily harassment

 By Ammu Kannampilly On a wintry evening in Delhi, beautician Geeta Misarvan leaves work, steeling herself for a long wait until a bus arrives, and with it the dreaded prospect of being groped by strangers during the ride home. "Once a guy sees you travelling alone, he will come and stand right behind you. Then, he will lean in and try to touch you," Misarvan said, describing an ordeal endured daily by many ...

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