Russia Rapidly Restored Balance of Power

By Sajjad Shaukat Renowned scholars of international relations, Lord Castlereagh, Quincy Wright, Hans J. Morgenthau and Kenneth Waltz agree by remarking, “Checking the unusual dominance and hegemony of the world by a single power is very essential for the survival of other states which live in anarchic situation where there is no international agency to impose international law and to provide security…the c ...

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Who is Behind Afghanistan’s Blame Game against Pakistan?

By Sajjad Shaukat When any terror attack occurs in Afghanistan, Afghan government revives old blame game against Pakistan. On May 31, this year, a massive truck bombing of the Afghan capital’s diplomatic section killed more than 150 people and injured hundreds of others, including foreigners. It was the deadliest terror attack in the 16-year-old conflict. Taliban denied responsibility for the terror attack. ...

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Downfall of the Muslims: A Review (Part-11)

By Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal Celebrating the occupation Within the last 60 years, most of the Muslim countries have received independence from the direct rule of their colonial masters. But, the so-called independence doesn’t give the Muslims the basic religious rights to practise even the most crucial and defining Islamic obligations like sharia, hudud, shura, khilafa, trans-ethnic Muslim unity and jihad in ...

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Rift between Indian Army and BSF on LoC

By Sajjad Shaukat Since the false flag terror attacks at a military base in Uri, situated in the Indian Occupied Kashmir, the BJP-led Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has intensified war-hysteria against Pakistan. After deployment of heavy arms and weapons on the Line of Control (LoC), Indian forces have increased troops and continued shelling in Pakistani side of Kashmir. And Pakistani troops are giving ...

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A sticky Gulf wicket!

By Yasmeen Aftab Ali “It will not be long before we get this phone call from Saudi Arabia, ‘Are you with us or against us?’ Are we ready to take that call?” The news of United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Egypt breaking off all diplomatic ties with Qatar, a close ally to Islamabad, by land, sea and air made headline news around the world. The Gulf States have given a time of two weeks to the Qat ...

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لندن۔۔۔دہشت کی اصل کہانی

سنگ دلی کی ہے کمائی بزدلی برطانیہ نے جب امریکی ایماءکی حمائت میں افغانستان اورعراق میں نیٹوکی زیرقیادت اپنی افواج کوجنگی کاروائیوں میں حصہ لیناشروع کیاتھا،تواس وقت اسے اندازہ نہیں تھاکہ اس کی سرزمین پربھی جوابی حملے ہوسکتے ہیں لیکن ''سیون سیون'' کے واقعے نے برطانیہ کو ہلاکررکھ دیاتھا جس کے بعد برطانیہ میں سیکورٹی کے غیرمعمولی اقدامات سے صورتحال کافی حد تک بہترہوگئی تھی لیکن برطانیہ کو پچھلے تین ماہ کے واقعا ...

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May 29 Reminds Pakistan’s Peacekeeping Role for the UNO

By Sajjad Shaukat Each year, United Nations Day is celebrated on October 24. On this day in 1945, the United Nations (UN) came into force when the five permanent members of the Security Council ratified its charter This followed a declaration by the UN General Assembly in 1947 which designated 24th of October as United Nations Day, by proclaiming that the day would be instrumental in making people aware of ...

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Time to Revise our Afghan Policy

By Asif Haroon Raja [caption id="attachment_15227" align="alignright" width="397"] Maulana Fazlullah, [/caption] Unprovoked Afghan Aggression On May 5, 2017, Afghan border security forces carried out unprovoked firing across the Chaman border in Baluchistan on two Pakistani villages namely Kili Luqman and Kili Jahangir, martyring 11 Pakistani civilians including one Frontier Corps (FC) soldier and injuring ...

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