India’s intrusiveness in Pakistan’s internal affairs

By Asif Haroon Raja India’s Invasive Acts after Partition When Pakistan came into being on August 14, 1947 under the sagacious leadership of Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Indian leaders didn’t reconcile with moth eaten Pakistan that had been treacherously slashed by the conniving Mountbatten and Radcliffe. They considered it as vivisection of Mahabharata. Believing in Chanakyan tactics of telling lies, ...

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The Case of WMDs: Who Used Chemical Weapons in Syria?

By Sajjad Shaukat Suddenly tension has intensified between Russia and the US with the order of the American President Donald Trump, when in the early hours of April 7, this year, using the pretext of chemical weapons attacks and blaming the Assad regime, the US warships fired 60 cruise missiles at the Shayrat Airfield controlled by the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s forces. This was supposedly in respon ...

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Exploding Myths About 1971 – Part 4: Contextualizing Operation Search Light

by Dr. Junaid Ahmad The military operation ‘Operation Search Light’ was launched by Pak army to counter the insurgency and lawlessness in East Pakistan in early March 1971. Pakistan and its army is bashed by Indian and Bangladeshi propagandists for killing, raping and massacring innocent Bengalis to normalize the deteriorating law and order situation in East Pakistan. Such a prejudiced version based on the ...

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Refocus on India’s Water Terrorism on the Water Day

By Sajjad Shaukat Every year, World Water Day is celebrated on March 22 on global level, focusing attention on the water crisis as well as the solutions to address it. An international day to celebrate freshwater was recommended at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. The United Nations General Assembly responded by designating March 22, 1993 as the first World Water Day. Each ...

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Pakistan’s bloopers

By Asif Haroon Raja Inconsequential Western Pacts In search for security in the face of India’s belligerence and dangerous designs together with Afghanistan’s hostility, Pakistan blundered to join SEATO and CENTO in 1954 and earned the hostility of Afghanistan, former Soviet Union and China. India took these western pacts as an excuse to make a U turn on Kashmir issue. The defense pacts helped Pakistan unde ...

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Haunting Images of Kashmir

By Ali Sukhanver London based Indian writer Mirza Waheed very vehemently exposed the real face of the Indian atrocities in Kashmir in his article ‘India is blinding young Kashmiri protesters’. The article was published on 18th July 2016. He says, “Two sets of images have haunted me these last few days. One is a series of photos of people splashing bucket-loads of water to wash away blood from the streets of ...

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Role of USA-Israel-India in fomenting Islamic radicalism

By Asif Haroon Raja Non-resolution of Palestinian and Kashmir dispute gave rise to Islamic radicalism. After the Islamic revolution in Iran in 1979, the ten-year Iran-Iraq war ended inconclusively in 1988 but militarized and radicalized the two countries. Iraq under Saddam Hussain was supported by the two super powers, the west and the Arab world. While Iran completed its revolutionary cycle under Imam Khom ...

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Downfall of the Muslims: A Review (Part-3)

By  Dr Firoz Mahboob Kamal The betrayal of the objective The early Muslims gained unprecedented successes. Their success were not confined in war fronts or civilisation-building. They achieved successes almost in all fields. They could add record speed to the spread of Islam. They made Muslims the most reckoned World Power within decades. They raised higher values, established rule of law and promoted equal ...

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