Karachi Police Bus targeted ; 13 killed

By Rida Zaheer TTP terrorist planted a bomb in the van and blown it off when police bus carrying commandoes reached near to the van in Karachi. 13 police commandos killed and at least 57 injured at least 57 on 13 February 2014. According the reports the  explosion took place near the exit of the Razzaqabad Police Training Centre in Shah Latif Town area just as a police bus was leaving the premises. The bus ...

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Post 2014 Afghanistan: Emerging Regional Alignment

by Abu Ezaan [caption id="attachment_2670" align="alignright" width="418"] South Asia Conflict Map[/caption]   Pakistan has undeniably suffered the most with the ongoing Afghan instability, and as mainly prophesied, the trend is not expected to change in the foreseeable future. Notwithstanding the countless sacrifices, Pakistan continues to be projected as the part of problem and pointed finger at for every ...

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Enthusiasm and Energy of the Pakistani Youth

 By Sajjad Shaukat Past experience proves that the youth played a key role in the nation-building of the developed countries, while pulling them out of any crisis due to their zeal and zest. Unlike the developed countries, Pakistan has been facing multi-faceted problems such as acute financial crisis, poverty, unemployment, so¬c¬ial inequities, lack of security, loadshading of electricity and gas in wake of ...

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The Day of Solidarity with Kashmiris

       By Sajjad Shaukat Although Kashmir issue has been internationalized, yet state terrorism by the Indian forces continue unabated on the innocent Kashmiris. That is why, since 1990, the 5th of February is being celebrated by Pakistanis and Kashmiris as ‘Kashmir Solidarity Day’ to pay homage to Kahsmiri martyrs and to show shared aims with the freedom fighters who are struggling against the Indian subju ...

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War with the Ruthless Enemy

  By Sajjad Shaukat While describing war between two sovereign states, Clausewitz concedes that commerce and diplomacy are much like war. According to him, “War is a clash between major interests which are resolved by bloodshed—that is the only way in which it differs from other conflicts.” Despite it, the two warring parties follow the rules of the game and Geneva Conventions, and observe ceasefire, ultima ...

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Need of Timely Action against Terrorism

   By Sajjad Shaukat In order to resolve the menace of terrorism, Pakistan’s Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on January 29, this year announced the constitution of 4-member committee comprising impartial personalities to open negotiations with the warring Taliban. The committee has started contacts with all the militant groups, especially Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) which has also welcomed government’s offe ...

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By N Khan Do Taliban Have some Religion, Do they have ethics, Do Taliban ave some morality, Do they have Values, Do they have humanity, Do they have courage, Do Taliban respect other opinions. Taliban by their deeds (evils) have refuted all traits mentioned above. Islam the religion they claim is the religion of peace and tranquility. However Taliban defies the very meaning of Islam by adopting violence and ...

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Aimless talk-and-talk strategy

By Asif Haroon Raja Some of the glaring reasons that have given rise to religious extremism in Pakistan are as follows: Early demise of Quaid-e-Azam resulted in leadership crisis, which persists to this day. Growth of regionalism gave rise to fissiparous tendencies. Antagonism between seculars and Islamists impeded constitution making for nine years. Widening gulf between rich and poor and callous attitude ...

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