Coronavirus and its impact on global dynamics

By Asif Haroon Raja The Cold War era During the Cold War, the two antagonists – USA and former Soviet Union - in their bid to safeguard the vital western and eastern hemispheres and to increase respective spheres of influence within the crush zone residing in the 3rd world, made use of 12-memer NATO and 23-member Warsaw Pact countries. The US remained involved in containing communism by establishing a defen ...

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US-Backed Indian Intervention on the Tamil Issue

By Sajjad Shaukat The major countries intervene in the internal affairs of the small countries under the guise of various pretexts. In this regard, Hans J. Morgenthau opines: “The true nature of the policy is concealed by ideological justifications and rationalization. Therefore, the ideology provides a mask behind which the ulterior motives are concealed…there is a close relationship between interest and i ...

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ٹائیگر فورس۔۔۔ اچھے کام کو سیاست کی بھینٹ نہ چڑھایا جائے

نغمہ حبیب اس وقت دنیا ایک ایسی آفت اور وباء کا سامنا کر رہی ہے جس کے لیے وہ ہر گز تیار نہ تھی اور نہ ہی اس کی ابتداء ہونے پر اُن ملکوں نے کوئی خاص توجہ دی جہاں یہ دیر سے پہنچی اور یوں اس وائرس کو کھل کھیلنے کا موقع مل گیااور یہ مسلسل تباہی مچاتا چلا جا رہا ہے۔ دنیا کا کوئی ملک چاہے بڑا ہو یا چھوٹا اس سے محفوظ نہیں اور اس نے وہاں کم یا زیادہ اپنے اثرات ضرور مرتب کیے ہیں اورتقریباََ دنیا کے ہر ملک میں اموات ہ ...

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Book Review: A Soldier’s ‘Lone Long Walk’

From the Self-Quarantined ‘Solitude’ A Soldier’s ‘Lone Long Walk’ [caption id="attachment_17934" align="alignright" width="275"] Soldier - Siachen Sector[/caption] By F Z Khan Outside my self-imposed solitude, the fear of coronavirus has gripped, around the globe, as the demon has started wreaking havoc across continents. Messages on social media and talk shows on TV have added dread and scare to further sp ...

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Coronavirus Pandemic: ‘Prevention is Better than Cure’

By Sajjad Shaukat Coronavirus pandemic also named as COVID-19 which is, rapidly, spreading across the world has killed more than 22,000 people and infected over 510,000 people despite lockdowns in many countries, especially Western states, putting over 1.3 billion in self-isolation. After affecting 200 countries, the disease is enveloping new territories. In Spain and Italy, more persons have died due to CO ...

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Pak-US Relations: A Story of Ups and Downs

By Sajjad Shaukat Ice started melting between the United States and Pakistan after a long patch of tense relations after the three-day visit of Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan to the US where he met American President Donald Trump on July 22, 2019 to mend the strained relations between the two countries. Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi and Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa also accompanied the ...

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CAA: Should United Nations Norms be respected in Domestic Policies?

By Ram Puniyani In the wake of Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) UN High Commissioner, Michele Bachelet, has filed an intervention in the Supreme Court petition challenging the constitutionality of the Citizenship Amendment Act, as she is critical of CAA. Responding to her, India’s Foreign Minister S. Jai Shanker strongly rebutted her criticism, saying that the body (UNHCR) has been wrong and is blind to the ...

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امریکہ پاکستان کا بیس سال کا حساب برابر کرے

نغمہ حبیب امریکہ افغانستان میں تقریباً بیس سے سال جنگ لڑ رہاہے اور پاکستان اتنے ہی سالوں سے اس پرائی جنگ کی سزا بھگت رہا ہے۔ ہزاروں جانوں کی قربانی اوراربوں روپے کا مالی نقصان الگ۔ دھماکوں اور بد امنی نے پاکستانیوں کے شب وروز کے معمولات کو بُری طرح متاثر کیا تجارت، صنعت، معیشت، ترقی سب جھٹکوں اور دھکوں سے چلتی رہی اور ہم اُس9/11 کا خمیازہ بھگتے رہے جو نہ پاکستان سے ہوا تھا نہ پاکستانیوں نے کیا تھا لیکن افغا ...

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