Dimensions of Hamid Mir Episode

 By Sajjad Shaukat In the aftermath of attack on the senior journalist and anchor of Geo TV channel, Hamid Mir who was severely injured on April 19, this year when unidentified gunmen opened fire at his car in Karachi, leaders of various political and religious parties including all the segments of society have been condemning the  the Geo TV channel which deduced hastily outcome of the assault. Without any ...

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New cold war in the offing

By Asif Haroon Raja As explained in my earlier article titled ‘World Wars and Cold War’, during the Cold War, proxy wars were common because the two super powers didn’t dare to fight each other directly due to nuclear deterrence. The US led west demonized USSR and scared the world to keep away from the monster of communism. The US projected itself as the champion of democracy and human rights and guardian o ...

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Uni-polarism gasping for life

By Asif Haroon Raja The US track record during and after the Cold War is that it has always attacked economically and militarily poor countries. Excepting Israel and India, the aid it lends to its allies is always attached with tough conditions and for self-serving purposes. Besides bloody wars, destabilization of elected governments or regime change through gruesome covert operations is another favorite ho ...

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Sepoy Bashir, Who?

By Sohail Parwaz Today is ‘Youm-e-Shuohda’ (Martyrs’ Day). It should have been a day to be treasured, honoured and feted by the whole nation but regrettably it has generally been restricted to the cantonments, military graveyards and to those hundreds of sacred houses to whom these daring sons of the soil belonged.  I often say that one forgets everyday talk but decent and austere words spoken can never be ...

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New cold war in the offing

Asif Haroon Raja As explained in my earlier article titled ‘World Wars and Cold War’, during the Cold War, proxy wars were common because the two super powers didn’t dare to fight each other directly due to nuclear deterrence. The US led west demonized USSR and scared the world to keep away from the monster of communism. The US projected itself as the champion of democracy and human rights and guardian of f ...

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Bi-polarity to gasping uni-polarity

Asif Haroon Raja End of Bi-Polar World. As explained in my earlier article titled ‘World Wars and Cold War’,during the Cold War, proxy wars were common because the two super powers didn’t dare to fight each other directly due to nuclear deterrence. The US led west demonized USSR and scared the world to keep away from the monster of communism. The US projected itself as the champion of democracy and human ri ...

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Suicide Bombing: A Disparaging Dogma-II

By Sohail Parwaz During a lecture in Riyadh, the Saudi grand Mufti identified the reasons and declared that, “suicide bombings are great crimes and bombers are criminals who rush themselves to hell by their actions.” He described suicide bombers as “robbed of their minds… who have been used (as tools) to destroy themselves and societies.” Earlier, in his sermon to over two million Muslims on the occasion of ...

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Suicide Bombing: A Disparaging Dogma-I

By:  Sohail Parwaz Abu Huraira narrates that, “We were in the company of Allah's Apostle in a Ghazwa (battle), and Rasool Allah (Salallaho Elahae Wassallum) remarked about a man who claimed to be a Muslim, saying, "This (man) is from the people of the (Hell) Fire." When the battle started, the man fought pugnaciously till he got wounded. Somebody said, "O Allah's Apostle! The man whom you described as being ...

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