New cold war in the offing

Asif Haroon Raja As explained in my earlier article titled ‘World Wars and Cold War’, during the Cold War, proxy wars were common because the two super powers didn’t dare to fight each other directly due to nuclear deterrence. The US led west demonized USSR and scared the world to keep away from the monster of communism. The US projected itself as the champion of democracy and human rights and guardian of f ...

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Bi-polarity to gasping uni-polarity

Asif Haroon Raja End of Bi-Polar World. As explained in my earlier article titled ‘World Wars and Cold War’,during the Cold War, proxy wars were common because the two super powers didn’t dare to fight each other directly due to nuclear deterrence. The US led west demonized USSR and scared the world to keep away from the monster of communism. The US projected itself as the champion of democracy and human ri ...

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Suicide Bombing: A Disparaging Dogma-II

By Sohail Parwaz During a lecture in Riyadh, the Saudi grand Mufti identified the reasons and declared that, “suicide bombings are great crimes and bombers are criminals who rush themselves to hell by their actions.” He described suicide bombers as “robbed of their minds… who have been used (as tools) to destroy themselves and societies.” Earlier, in his sermon to over two million Muslims on the occasion of ...

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Chronological happening from world wars to cold war

BY Asif Haroon Raja The First World War (1914-18) was fought in Europe by the Allies comprising Britain, France, Russia against Central Powers Germany and Austrian-Hungary in which over 17 million people including 9 million combatants died. The US joined the war in 1916 and the Allies won the war, reducing the four great powers – Germany, Russia, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empires into non-entity. The lat ...

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Way-out of Eliminating Balochistan Militancy

By Zaheerul Hassan Strategically vital, rich in natural resources, land of courageous and traditional inhabitants, “Balochistan” is an indispensable component of Pakistan. Baloch masses and leaders out rightly supported 1940 resolution, played pivotal and active role in creation of Pakistan. The resolution demanded that Muslim majority needs a separate homeland in Indian subcontinent. Therefore, like other ...

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Make Pakistan Polio Free Country

By Sajjad Shaukat Polio is a deadly virus with its crippling affects which paralyze the children, and thus gives a greater blow to a nation. Discovery of anti-polio vaccine has made it possible to eliminate the virus and make the environment free of polio infection. In the recent past, Indian government through its High Commissioner has advised the Pakistani travelers visiting to Indian cities to produce a ...

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Balochistan Great Game Alarms Sirens

 By Sajjad Shaukat When during the Musharraf regime, Pakistan government initiated the construction of Gwadar deep-seaport in Balochistan province in March 2002 with Chinese assistance, sirens went off in the capitals of foreign countries, especially the United States, India and Israel. The US took it as a threat to its global plans, and India felt that it threatened its integrity. Israel took it as a great ...

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Letter to Editor – khalase conspiracy to change the definition of the Jathedar Sri Akal Takht Sahib

By Jathedar ੍ Sri Akal Takht ੍ Sri Darbar Sahib ੍ Sri Amritsar Sahib. 08-04-2014 Honorable Jathedar ੍ Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh. Request that the City ੍ Chandigarh and Panchkula number written on the back non-Sikh Khalsa T-ਸ਼ਰਟਾਂ seem continue to wander over. When they asked This T-shirt has discovered why. You Khalsa how you are adding. This is their answer on the Yamuna Nagar is a Guru Na ...

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