Peshawar Suicide Blast & Karachi Firing killing nine

By Zaheerul Hassan Just few minutes earlier of Jumna prayers during “Khtuba” (speech before prayer), three individuals attacked a Shia Muslim’s Mosque in the northwest province of Pakistan.  During this attack three terrorists killed the guard standing at the door and two out of then entered and started firing on the people. Meanwhile a suicide bomber has exploded him inside the mosque, killing at least sev ...

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Tibet policy: Bold new proposals

Posted By Rida Zaheer FEW outside China think the Communist Party’s strategy for Tibet is working. A combination of economic development and political repression was meant to reconcile Tibetans to Chinese rule and wean them off their loyalty to the Dalai Lama, the exiled spiritual leader. Instead disaffection is still rife, especially among the young. And all across Tibetan areas of China, Tibetans still di ...

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Mardan, Quetta and Ziarat Blasts Interlinked

By Zaheerul Hassan The terrorists carried out sucide bombing and a  blast in Mardan on June 18, 2013. In the first incident a sucide bomber exploded him in the funeral and in the second incident a bomb exploded  in CMH Mardan,  where in emergency the casualties were being evacuated. In these blasts more than 30 persons killed and 60 injured. Mr.  Imran Mohmand  recently elected Member of Provincial Assembly ...

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Traitors within Pakistan

  By Sajjad Shaukat June 15 was the blackest day in the history of Pakistan as militants carried out the most dastardly terror-attack on Quaid-e-Azam residency in Ziarat, Balochistan. They damaged the entire structure of the residence, and replaced Pakistan’s flag with that of Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA). Quaid’s residency was a symbol of the state; therefore the attack which suddenly shocked the enti ...

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Dastardly attacks in Quetta and Ziarat

Asif Haroon Raja After deposing Taliban regime and occupying Afghanistan, the US and its strategic partners embarked upon a covert war to disable Pakistan’s nuclear program but kept giving signals of friendship. Total freedom of action enjoyed by the US intelligence agencies and officials in Pakistan enabled the US to embroil Pak security forces in FATA and Balochistan, penetrate all the departments, establ ...

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China on a Road to Wisdom

By Professor Ali Sukhanver The recent conflict between China and India in the Ladakh region of LAC has simply widened the already growing differences and increasing distances between the two countries. The situation remained very much tense and bitter for more than twenty days and the issue was resolved after intense negotiations during a flag meeting between Indian and Chinese commanders. The recent confli ...

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Discrimination of minorities in India

By Asif Haroon Raja India’s four-fold caste system which tears apart its social fabric and divides people into warring groups is a unique case in world history. Brahmans insist that castes are divinely sanctioned and cannot be changed or abrogated. The system devised by the Brahmans gives them the divine right to rule, to plunder wealth of lower castes. Latter are destined to remain subservient to higher ca ...

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Bangladesh model applied in Balochistan

Asif Haroon Raja Sheikh Mujibur Rahman had nurtured the dream of independent Bengal from early days. He and his henchmen got in touch with Indian intelligence agencies and during one of the meetings in Agartala in November 1963, finalized the plan to detach East Pakistan from rest of Pakistan. Under the garb of remedying political and economic grievances of East Pakistan, he formulated six points formula an ...

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