Pakistan Views: US Drone Attacks Counter-Productive

By Zaheerul Hassan Lieutenant General Zaheerul Islam, ISI Chief is visiting Washington in the ongoing month of July. He will likely to attend Pak-US Strategic talks and will also hold talks with CIA Director David Petraeus on end of Illegal U.S. drone attacks, counter-terror cooperation and intelligence sharing. The question arises whether this interaction will US Drone Attacks Counter-Productivehelp in les ...

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Play Dynamically not Dubiously

Maimuna Ashraf Finally a decided decision has explicitly declared, NATO supply has been resumed since the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she was ‘sorry’ for the loss of life in a botched air raid.  This sorry is being issued after seven months of the demise of twenty-four Pakistani soldiers, who lost their lives as a result of NATO attack on Pakistani military check post. The US [caption id="att ...

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Be Back Soon

Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai Washington, D.C. Tuesday, July 10, 2012 [caption id="attachment_2056" align="alignright" width="212"] KashmirI Lake[/caption] Saying goodbye is sometimes easy but sometimes a very difficult thing to do, particularly when I am saying goodbye, though temporarily, to freedom and to a mission that I have given my life to.  But the real goodbye is not the words that I have formed in my head b ...

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Kunar-Nuristansanctuaries disturbing peace on western border

  Asif Haroon Raja The US obsession for North Waziristan (NW) started in early2010. It was described as the major problem area for the ISAF where supposedly theentire leadership of al-Qaeda including Osama bin Laden (OBL) was headquarteredand involved in cross border terrorism. After the emasculation of al-Qaeda anddeath of OBL, threat perception suddenly shifted towards Haqqani Network (HN).It was all ...

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Illogical Criticism of Pak-US Reconciliation

    By Sajjad Shaukat Famous political thinkers agree that a number of internal factors, system of government, geographical location, economic output etc. play a key role in formulating the foreign policy of a country, while national interest has primary importance. But this thesis is quite opposite to Pakistan’s political and religious parties which have always criticised the external policy of the country ...

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Obstacles in Pak-US Agreement

  By Sajjad Shaukat In the last few weeks, conflicting are coming about the success of Pak-US negotiations in order to reach an agreement in connection with the reengagement of Pakistan with America as last year, Pakistan closed ground supply routes through its territory to Afghanistan to protest a cross-border NATO air attack that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers. [caption id="attachment_1751" align="alignrigh ...

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India’s unbounded obstinacy

 By Asif Haroon Raja In early hours of the morning on 7 April 2012, an extraordinary avalanche struck Battalion HQ of 6 NLI regiment located in Gayari sector of Siachen Glacier.  135 officers, JCOs, men and civilians paid out of defence establishment got buried under 1000 meters wide and over 25 meters high landslide. Round the clock rescue operation is in progress since the day of tragic occurrence despite ...

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