Many a slip between the cup and the lip

Asif Haroon Raja Afghanistan, one of the poorest nations of the world was crushed by Soviet forces for a decade but in the end had to beat a hasty retreat in utter humiliation. Najibullah left behind to protect Moscow’s interests in post Soviet exit era was brutally killed. The Afghan National Army trained and equipped by Soviet military disintegrated within one year of Soviet departure and got absorbed in ...

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Fall of Dhaka Day: Watch out

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="179"] Faiz Ghazal[/caption] Letter to Editor By FZ Khan Ever since the Fall of Dhaka, a great tragedy of our times, there has, on one side, always been “ehsas-e-ziyan jata raha”-attitude on part of our governments, civil society, intelligentsia and media, and on the other side of the border, the enemy celebrates the ‘big’ victory with heightened vigour and renewed pl ...

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Unholy practice of rigging elections

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="224"] A Mukti Bani Commando killing Bihari muslim[/caption] Asif Haroon Raja Going through the political history of Pakistan, one is constrained to learn that till 1956 Pakistan was without a constitution and it banked upon Government of India Act as an interim instrument to govern the country. It cannot be denied that all elections held in Pakistan were rigged. The ...

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Contributors to Bangladesh’s Independence Receive Awards

Ishaal Zehra Hilarious, but true.  Government of Bangladesh, or should I say Shaikh Hasina’s government, intends to arrange the 4th phase of honouring the “Foreign Friends of Bangladesh” who supported the liberation war. The grand ceremony is on 15th December 2012 at Bangabandhu International Conference Centre where Bangladesh will confer awards on 65 more foreign friends for their outstanding contributions ...

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I Am A Soldier. I Am Dirt. I Kill

Dulce et Decorum And May You Get the Chance By Fred Reed I am a soldier. I am dirt. With Joshua I put the cities of Canaan to the sword while women screamed and tried to protect their babies. I spent long days in Nanjing butchering and butchering civilians because I enjoyed it. For I am a soldier. I am dirt. I fire-bombed Hamburg till the wind-fanned flames left nowhere to hide and the people burned screami ...

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Kashmir: Just for a Peaceful Tomorrow

Professor Ali Sukhanver Do we really need guns and cannons, drones and bombs particularly when we don’t have sufficient milk and food for our innocent children, medicines for our ailing patients and books for our deserving students? Certainly not; we will have to decide what we need and what we not. The wrong choice of needs and necessities is always the basic flaw that leads a society to a catastrophic des ...

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Coming: $3 trillion tax increase on middle class

By Jerome R. Corsi Getting Republicans to agree to a tax increase on “the rich” is not the ultimate aim of the Obama administration and Democrats in Congress, says noted tax activist Grover Norquist. Norquist, president and founder of Americans for Tax Reform, said the first act “is to get congressional Republicans to put their fingerprints on what amounts to a minor tax increase.”   “After raising taxes on ...

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An Army Officer who witnessed the horrific Salala Massacre

By Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid Last year, almost around this time, Salala massacre took place when our sons were brutally attacked and murdered by US forces. One of the officers who was present at that time nearby, wrote this piece and we share it with you here. Recite Fatiha for our officers and men who died that night. By Allah, we will take revenge from the Americans for this murder. ******************* Last y ...

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