India ‘Modi’fied

By Muhammad Daim Fazil The Congress rule of fifty out of sixty seven years since India’s independence is severely hammered by a hardliner and ethnic Hindu leader, Narendra Modi, in recently concluded general elections. According to latest reports, Modi led Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has won 284 seats in Lok Sabha (parliament), surpassing 272 seats to establish government--- enabling itself to constitute g ...

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Who is Derailing Democracy in Pakistan?

By Sajjad Shaukat During the first anniversary of 2013 general elections in Pakistan, on May 11, this year, country-wide protest rallies led by leaders of Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaaf (PTI), Pakistan Awami Tehrik (PAT), Pakistan Muslim League (Q) and Jamaat Islami (JI) were held against the rigging in the elections, demanding a corruption-free state, instead of a system that brought corrupt politicians in parli ...

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You Asked For It

By Brig®Mehboob Qadir Pakistan must be a unique country where her Defense Minister launches repeated malicious attacks on his own armed forces, keeps meaningfully quiet when they come under sizzling smear assault from a tainted part of media and acts deaf  on a written defamation complaint by the country’s premier intelligence agency, again, under his care. This is most likely a minister who cannot, perhaps ...

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Reinvigorating the Core National Institutions

  By Sajjad Shaukat Every thing became crystal clear when foreign media, NGOs and human rights groups reactivated their campaign against Pakistan, its army and especially Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) by projecting the so-called propaganda of the Geo TV by favouring the misconceptions of its anchor and journalist Hamid Mir who was severely injured on April 19, this year when unidentified gunmen opened f ...

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GEO-Political Drama: The Third Act

By Sohail Parwaz More or less a decade back, when one evening after the day’s hassle I was doing the habitual net surfing that I came across a website named, ‘The petition on line’. The title sounded interesting to me so I opened the site and found yet another page where I found a tall list of frustrations of people, mostly with pseudo names. The petition on that page was by a scoundrel named Jamal Uddin wh ...

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Tribute to Shuhada

The entire nation stood shoulder to shoulder with the defenders of the motherland in paying its tribute to the Shuhada on April 30th 2014. People all over the country and from all walks of life held thrilling rallies in inspiring manner to show their support for the armed forces. General Raheel Sharif’s address on the occasion has been hailed by all as the most forthright, full of resolve and commitment and ...

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Admiral Fasih’s letter to Air Commodore Sajjad Haider

Very sensitive but true sentiments of a patriotic General is being published her  for reader consumption   By    Zaheerul Hassan [caption id="attachment_11074" align="alignright" width="269"] Admiral (Retd) Fasih Bokhari, Ex NAB Chairman[/caption] QUOTE Dear Air Commodore Sajjad, We have both fought wars for our country and believe that we “are” because Pakistan “is”, and must remain. I recall our many good ...

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Hidden agenda behind Missing Persons’ Protests

By Zaheerul Hassan Local Police forcefully uprooted agitators’ camp of relatives of missing persons from the capital on 28 April 2014. Amina Massod Janjua, leaders of agitators along with some others people have been taken into police custody.  Point to be noted here that the hearing of so called missing persons’ cases is under progress before Judicial Commission and Supreme Court of Pakistan. In this regar ...

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