Kashmiris Demanded UN Pledged Right of Self-Determination

Posted By Rida Zaheer New York, October 26, 2015. A huge peace march took place in New York in which thousands of friends of Kashmir participated. The march was jointly sponsored by all groups who believe in the right of self-determination of the people of Kashmir. The very inspiring March began at the Indian Mission to the UN on 43rd Street and led up 3rd Avenue to 47th, terminating in front of the United ...

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October 27: Reminder of Kashmir Black Day

By Sajjad Shaukat Although 27th of October is celebrated every year as the “Black Day” by the Pakistanis and the Kashmiris all over the world as a protest against Indian illegal occupation of Kashmir on October 27, 1947, yet the issue is still alive due to continued struggle of the Kashmiri people. During the partition of the Sub-continent, the people of the state of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) which compri ...

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Not Statements but the Philosophy Works

By Ali Sukhanver What is the need of exploring linkage between Mr. Modi and RSS? It is a daylight fact that RSS and Modi and BJP all are one and the same thing. Even the moderate people living in India know it well that RSS would not have been so strong if Modi were not the Prime Minister of India and these two could never be segregated. On 14th October 2015, the Congress leader Rita Bahuguna Joshi in a sta ...

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25th October: Kashmir Million March

By Sajjad Shaukat On October 20, this year, former Prime Minister of Pakistan administered Kashmir; Barrister Sultan Mehmood Chaudhry said that Kashmiri March is being organized on October 25, 2015 in New York in front of the UNO headquarter to press for just and durable resolution of longstanding Kashmir issue. He urged the Pakistanis and Kashmiris and Americans as well as those who believe in human rights ...

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United Nations Day & Pakistan’s Peacekeeping Role

Sajjad Shaukat Each year, United Nations Day is celebrated on October 24. On this day in 1945, the United Nations (UN) came into force when the five permanent members of the Security Council ratified its charter This followed a declaration by the UN General Assembly in 1947 which designated 24th of October as United Nations Day, by proclaiming that the day would be instrumental in making people aware of the ...

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خلافت کے بارے میں امام حسن و حسین میں کیا اختلاف تھا؟

سمیع اللہ ملک اسلام کی روح یہ ہے کہ وہ ناحق اورباطل کے سامنے سرکٹا دے لیکن ہرگزاس کوجھکنے نہ دے۔ اس عظیم عمل کوشہادت کہتے ہیں اوراس شہادت کی اعلیٰ ترین مثال اورتکمیل کا نام بلاشبہ''شہادتِ حسین''ہے جنہوں نے چھ ہزارکے لشکرکے سامنے عام روایت کے مطابق بہتر(٧٢) مجاہدوں کے ساتھ ٹکرلی اوران ظالم حکمرانوں کے سامنے سرجھکانے کی بجائے لڑکراپنی جاں جانِ آفریں کے سپرد کر دی۔ یہی وہ کردارہے جس کی بناء پرہم یوم عاشورہ کی ...

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What Have We Done to Ourselves                     

By Brig® Mehboob Qadir At times it helps to recollect and reflect upon missed opportunities and things that could have been but failed to be. Not that it would matter anymore but that a catharsis could usefully take place instead. That is quite a few layers of dirt dusted off the looking glass. Jinnah strived hard for years almost single handedly to obtain constitutional guarantees from Congress for a secur ...

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United Nations Security Council (UNSC) and Kashmir

By Tariq Rizwan Kashmir has once again become a flash point attracting world attention. It is a disputed territory, left over by the British Colonial Power and pending since 1947; when Indo - Pak Sub Continent was divided into two parts, India and Pakistan. Since then Kashmir is considered as the oldest unresolved international conflict in the world today. Pakistan considers Kashmir as its core political di ...

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