Quetta Masacre 10 Jan 2013- Terrorists Killed 87 Innocent

Quetta Masacre 10 Jan 2013 - Terrorists'  Bombs Kill 98 Innocent Civilians, "Baloch United Army" Claims to be Responsible - The Myth or Truth?   By Agha Gul A bomb exploded in the heart of Quetta City in the afternoon on 10 Jan 2013, killing 12 and wounding some 24 people. Only 5 hours later, in two successive bombings separated by a few minutes, another 98 innocent people were killed, 87 wounded on Alamdar ...

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Indian Dubious Approach

By Sajjad Shaukat On the one hand, India has been emphasising to strengthen the Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) with Pakistan to normalise relations between both the countries, but on the other, it has continuously been giving a greater setback the CBMs in one or the other way, which shows Indian dubious approach. In this regard, Indian soldiers crossed over the Line of Control (LoC) in Kashmir on Janua ...

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What Afghanistan really needs

Posted By Faheem Belharvi The start of the year has brought the withdrawal of US-led international troops from Afghanistan one step closer. This year will be pivotal, as it becomes ever more pressing to shore up the security situation in the Central Asian country and arrange the details of the transition that leads up to next year’s withdrawal. Afghan President Hamid Karzai is paying a visit to the United S ...

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Indo-Pak peace process assessment

Posted by Faheem Belharvi Wednesday, January 09, 2013 - Indeed, peace between India and Pakistan is the prerequisite for achieving stability and economic development in South Asia. In the past, efforts were made at both bilateral and multilateral levels to normalize the relationship between these key South Asian neighbours; however, these attempts only resulted in limited economic interactions. There was li ...

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Why Japan Can’t Compete With China

By Brian Fung Tokyo officials are relying on retirees and aging ships to fill a temporary shortfall in coast guard manpower -- a move that reveals the broader limits of Japan's capabilities. As China keeps extending its interests abroad, some predict that neighboring countries will form a coalition to counter it. Any of three states could take the lead on building such an alliance: India, South Korea, or Ja ...

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U.S. Drone Attacks in Pakistan and Yemen – 2013

By Patrick O’Connor Marking the first US drone attacks of 2013, the Obama administration ordered two separate missile bombardments in Pakistan and Yemen on Wednesday and Thursday. The latest attacks demonstrate that the drawdown of US-led occupying forces in Afghanistan will be accompanied by an expansion of illegal drone operations across the Middle East. At least 16 people were reported killed, all allege ...

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Book Review: Open Secrets-India’s Intelligence Unveiled by Maloy Krishna Dhar

Book Review: Kavneet Singh M.K.Dhar a Bengali Brahmin of East Pakistani extraction tells his tale of 29 years of serving in the India’s Intelligence Bureau while being a field operator. Armed with a degree in Journalism Dhar joined the Indian Police service in 1965. He eventually got inducted into the Intelligence Bureau (IB) based on his professional service. Chapter 1-9: Dhar in these several chapters wea ...

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Tahirul Qadri’s entry in political arena

 By Asif Haroon Raja Sudden arrival of Chairman Minhajul Quran, Dr Tahirul Qadri in Pakistan and holding a mammoth public meeting at Minar-e-Pakistan on 23 December has puzzled the thinking minds and set the tongues wagging about his stated and hidden motives. It is being asked whether he has come of his own accord driven by pristine thoughts or has been launched with an agenda. Some say he has been motivat ...

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