The Innocent Martyrs

By Ali Sukhanver ‘Where do the stars disappear when the daylight arrives’, I used to ask my mother when I was a little boy of three or four years. And my mother would always smilingly reply, ‘The stars never disappear; they simply come down on the earth and convert into flowers; you are my flower; you are my star’. That was really a very beautiful answer; I realize it now when my mother herself has gone to ...

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Hope after ‘Heart of Asia Conference’

By Sajjad Shaukat On December 9, this year, the fifth ministerial Heart of Asia-Istanbul Process Conference was held in Islamabad in which high-level representatives of supporting regional and international organizations from over 30 countries including especially the US, China and Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj participated. Pakistan’s Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani ad ...

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Indian Role behind East Pakistan’s Separation

By Sajjad Shaukat 16th December is the day of tragic memory when Pakistan was dismembered and a new state of Bangladesh was created in 1971 as part of Indian conspiracy which still continues against the integration of Pakistan. India has a long-gone history of many centuries, based upon religious prejudice against the Muslims. In this respect, Indian intelligence agency, RAW which was founded in 1968, has a ...

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Dreadful Memory of the Peshawar School Attack

By Sajjad Shaukat In one of the bloodiest-ever terror attacks in Pakistan, six Taliban militants mercilessly killed at least 141 people, including 132 children and nine staff members of the Army Public School and College in Peshawar, on December 16, 2014. They also burnt a lady teacher alive. After eight hours operation, Pak Army’s commandos cleared the school area, and six militants were killed. On the sam ...

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Zionists Cognitive Dissonance Harms Their Financial Interests

By Sajjad Shaukat [caption id="attachment_2451" align="alignright" width="360"] Israel Flag[/caption] In wake of America’s continued fake global war on terror, various drastic developments such as Syrian crisis, terror-activities of the Islamic State group (ISIS), tension between Russia and Turkey, the post-November 13 phenomena of Paris attacks, backlash against the Muslims in Europe and the US are, though ...

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بنگلہ دیش میں بھارت کا مکروہ چہرہ

نغمہ حبیب 1947میں پاکستان بنا تو اس کے بنانے والوں میں اس کے مشرقی اورمغربی دونوں حصوں کے لوگ شامل تھے ، کسی کے خلوص میں کسی دوسرے سے کمی نہ تھی، سب کی قربانیاں ایک دوسرے سے بڑھ کر تھیں لیکن اس کی بدقسمتی کہیے کہ اس کے بننے کے فوراََ بعد یہاں کچھ ایسے لوگوں نے اس کی باگ ڈور سنبھالی جن کو ملک سے زیادہ اپنی ذات اور ذاتی مفادات میں دلچسپی تھی اسی چیز کادشمن نے فائدہ اٹھایا اور ملک کے دونوں حصوں میں نفرت کا ایس ...

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An unbridgeable chasm between patriotic and disloyal

By Zaheerul Hassan Progress on China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is on its fast track since 17 September and first phase of the project is likely to be completed by the end of 2017. However, the CPEC is a 15 year project between Pakistan and China spanning 2015-2030, while the Western route has to be completed by 2018. This Western route starts from Gwadar and leads to Kashgar in China passing through ...

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India’s Human Rights Violations in Kashmir

By Sajjad Shaukat Gross human rights violations in the Indian Occupied Kashmir have become a permanent feature of the Indian security forces. Since 1947, in order to maintain its illegal control, India has continued its repressive regime in the Occupied Kashmir through various machinations. In this regard, various forms of state terrorism have been part of a deliberate campaign by the Indian army and parami ...

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