Sepoy Bashir, Who?

By Sohail Parwaz Today is ‘Youm-e-Shuohda’ (Martyrs’ Day). It should have been a day to be treasured, honoured and feted by the whole nation but regrettably it has generally been restricted to the cantonments, military graveyards and to those hundreds of sacred houses to whom these daring sons of the soil belonged.  I often say that one forgets everyday talk but decent and austere words spoken can never be ...

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They All are Captain Khalid Iftikhar

By      Sohail Parwaz  This is the last dispatch that Captain Khalid Iftikhar Shaheed made minutes before he left for a raid to embraced shahadat. Question may come to one’s mind that who is Captain Khalid Iftikhar? Honestly speaking, every officer and jawan of the armed forces is Captain Khalid Iftikhar, may he be from infantry, armour, artillery, SSG or any other arm or service. At his age when his other ...

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Six Bullets only

BY PROFESSOR ALI SUKHANVER At last the dreams came true; the dream of ISI bashing and the dream of dragging the Pakistan Army into a dirty blame game has since long been glimmering the eyes of the international conspirators and ultimately they all got a chance of materializing their dreams. Just six bullets wound up the whole story; may God be kind and merciful on Hamid Mir and may he return to a normal lif ...

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Suicide Bombing: A Disparaging Dogma-II

By Sohail Parwaz During a lecture in Riyadh, the Saudi grand Mufti identified the reasons and declared that, “suicide bombings are great crimes and bombers are criminals who rush themselves to hell by their actions.” He described suicide bombers as “robbed of their minds… who have been used (as tools) to destroy themselves and societies.” Earlier, in his sermon to over two million Muslims on the occasion of ...

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Suicide Bombing: A Disparaging Dogma-I

By:  Sohail Parwaz Abu Huraira narrates that, “We were in the company of Allah's Apostle in a Ghazwa (battle), and Rasool Allah (Salallaho Elahae Wassallum) remarked about a man who claimed to be a Muslim, saying, "This (man) is from the people of the (Hell) Fire." When the battle started, the man fought pugnaciously till he got wounded. Somebody said, "O Allah's Apostle! The man whom you described as being ...

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Kalat Operation: Countering Anti-State Baloch Elements

By Sajjad Shaukat Every patrotic Baloch knows that the Kalat search operation in the Balochistan province of Pakistan is against the foreign funded and foreign sponsored anti-state outfits like Baloch Liberation Army, United Baloch Army and Baloch Republican Army. These groups are involved in killing of innocent and poor Pakistanis in train bomb blasts, destruction of national assets like gas pipelines, rai ...

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Media Commercialization

By Professor Ali Sukhanver How could we expect peace and prosperity in a society if there is no freedom of expression? Freedom of expression is one of the basic human rights; the world of today is emphasizing the most. If you are not allowed to speak the truth, to criticize the wrong doings of the rulers and to express your fears and apprehensions in national interest, it means you are being deprived of you ...

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Truth In and Truth Out

By Sohail Parwaz Renowned journalist and TV anchor Hamid Mir was attacked by unknown assailants soon after his reaching Karachi in the morning hours of Saturday. He got two bullets and according to some sources three bullets but luckily escaped death. He was rushed to the hospital where he made an amazing rapid recovery after an emergency surgery. Hamid Mir is a good journalist friend and we worked together ...

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